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Phobias that people have in their home

Humans have a lot to fear. Although we are more capable of protecting ourselves than perhaps any other species on the planet, we are also aware of more dangers. Add to that our extremely complex and capable mind, and sometimes we get carried away by our fears. Many of the most common phobias are those that occur in and around the home. Fearful? Give your fear a name with these ten household phobias.

1. Arachnophobia: irrational fear of spiders and other arachnids. This is by far the most common phobia among humans, estimated to affect more than half of American women and a quarter of American men. This can be especially troublesome if you find a spider in your home, because it may make you uncomfortable being or sleeping in that room.

2. Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces, leaving the house or embarrassing situations. This fear can really trap someone in their home as it is the only place where they can feel comfortable and safe. Agoraphobia is a crippling condition because it can prevent people from engaging in normal social interactions and meeting people out of fear of rejection. Some remain confined to their homes for years.

3. Acrophobia: fear of heights. Another extremely common fear, some people may experience panic or even vertigo when they are on a high floor of a building or while climbing a staircase. Even if you don’t live on a high floor, regular house maintenance may require climbing stairs, creating some inconvenience for the acrophobe.

4. Claustrophobia: the fear of confined and confined spaces. Claustrophobics can have trouble with airplanes, trains, and even elevators. They may not be able to enter certain parts of your home, particularly attics and basements.

5. Mysophobia: the irrational fear of germs. This can translate into extreme hygiene and cleanliness of clothing, similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Misophobic people can wash their hands hundreds of times a day or wear a respiratory mask in public. They can also obsessively clean your home.

6. Ametophobia: fear of dust. Home should be a scary place for those with a fear of dust. Dust is an extremely common occurrence, and depending on how large your home is and how many dust-collecting surfaces you have, attempts to combat it can take a long time.

7. Ecophobia: fear of home. Ecophobes can be nomadic or homeless, depending on their degree of fear. They will find a lifestyle that will allow them to avoid having a home.

8. Domatophobia: fear of houses. Domatophobes are not opposed to having a conceptual home, as long as it is not a house or near houses. The city center is an ideal place for domatophobes to reside.

9. Topophobia: the fear of being in certain places. Perhaps a particular memory or event that happened in a place has made it scary or upsetting to be there. To varying degrees, this is a common fear or disturbance, although it can be particularly damaging if that place is your home.

10. Koinoniphobia: fear of rooms. This phobia can be very detrimental to a normal existence, as it makes being indoors in general uncomfortable in some cases and unbearable in others.

Keep in mind that everyone has fears, even irrational ones, sometimes. So if your fear is cleaning, maybe I can help … Visit our Denver Cleaning Services website and click on the blog for simple tips on how to keep your living environment clean.


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