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Pimp Up Your Attic: Creative Ways To Transform Your Attic

In most houses, the role of the attic is a storage room for old and broken things. In it we keep the electrical appliances in disuse and old furniture. Little did we know that we can still make use of this extra room and transform it into a place for music, games and relaxation. Read on and find creative ways you can improve your attic.

If you’re considering transforming your attic, you should also consider its accessibility. The way to get to the attic must be safe and comfortable. This means that if you have to save space, use ladders that can be folded up to the ceiling. If you plan to convert the attic into a bedroom or a game room, you should install a fixed ladder that is safe and comfortable to climb.

The first thing to consider when you want to dress up your attic is ventilation. With excellent ventilation, your attic will look and feel great. When planning windows, you need to consider both air and natural light. Since the attic is a high place, it is easier to have these two factors together. Penthouses have sloped roofs, making it difficult to fit side windows. Dormers are recommended for attics where the roof and floor meet directly. If they are still five feet apart, you can simply install small windows. Skylights will also bring the attic to life.

Converting the attic into a storage room is a bit difficult due to the uneven walls and corners. So if you want to turn it into a storage area, have horizontal cabinets and shelves to cover the walls and take advantage of the space. Just make sure the warehouse isn’t too big. Since the floor of attics is not that high from the ceiling, cabinets can leave little room for you to stand under them. One of the creative ways to fix this is to place a small stool underneath.

Once you are done with the basics, you are now ready to decorate the attic. You can have blinds on the windows and different shades for the skylights. Use lighting that illuminates the room well. You can also paint the walls white or off-white to make it look spacious.

When making the attic as a game room, place the things inside the room that are necessary. If you want it to be a place for relaxation, have a nice recliner and scented candles. You can also have a professional install an attic drainage system so you can have a bathtub and mini pool.

These are just a few of the many ways to improve your attic. Explore your creativity and transform your attic into a comfortable room.


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