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Pure Manuka honey for people suffering from acid reflux

Acid reflux develops in the body when there is a malfunction of the esophageal muscles. When this malfunction occurs, acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. The continuous backflow of fluids from the stomach into the esophagus will wear down the lining of the esophagus and can sometimes lead to cancers. Pure Manuka honey will help in healing heartburn.

The disturbing symptoms of heartburn and stomach aces always make one anxious to find a permanent solution that will stop the problem for good. Personally, I had been searching for over 3 years for a safe medicine for my digestive problems. I kept feeling disappointed over and over again when I tried different pharmaceutical medications only to find that they weren’t effective. He was in the habit of taking antacids every day and the situation was getting worse by the day. Antacids are only temporary solutions for this disorder. If you have acid reflux and want a quick, temporary fix, antacids will do the trick. However, if you want a permanent solution to all your heartburn problems, natural and organic solutions will help you. Over the past year, I have used many natural products to help cure acid reflux. One of the natural products that I have used is pure Manuka honey. This honey has really helped me a lot and I can say that I am currently on my way to full recovery from acid reflux.

Dr. Molan from the University of Waikato in New Zealand is the brains behind Manuka honey. For over 20 years, Dr. Molan has researched this type of honey and concluded that it is a viable alternative treatment option for acid reflux and heartburn. Tests carried out on people who had acid reflux and started using Manuka honey showed that the acid reflux was significantly reduced or in many cases disappeared. This honey, when ingested into the body, destroys some types of bacteria found in the esophagus that may be contributing to the severity of the reflux. Bacteria in the esophagus not only cause acid reflux, but also cause other complications like peptic ulcers and hiatal hernia. Just a small dose of Manuka honey guarantees the treatment of the various complications that affect the esophagus and stomach. This honey will also prevent one from getting peptic ulcers and reflux.

Pure Manuka honey works by forming a layer in the esophagus. This coating will destroy all the bacteria present in the esophagus and help in healing acid reflux naturally. This layer will also help stop bleeding in the stomach that results in the production of stools, which have traces of blood. Inflammation of the stomach and other types of ulcers will also be cured with the daily intake of Manuka honey.

Manuka honey should be applied 3 x 1 teaspoon on a piece of bread. This piece should be taken 20 minutes before each meal. During these 20 minutes, you should not drink water so that the honey coats the stomach undiluted.

All in all, Manuka honey will be beneficial in stopping acid reflux when taken daily, 20 minutes before each meal. Always check with your doctor to ensure that no complications arise from the use of natural products such as active Manuka honey.


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