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Reasons why you should consider a video baby monitor

As a new parent, buying a baby monitor is one of the best decisions you can make for your baby. Baby monitors have a way of giving you peace of mind, convenience, and safety, considering how vulnerable and helpless babies can be. The truth is, there is no way you can take care of the baby all day, you will have to take care of other chores and chores and this means leaving the baby unattended.

The most common monitors are audio-based so that parents can attend to babies as soon as they start crying or when they are awake. However, modern baby monitors now come complete with video capabilities, so you can not only hear your baby, but also see him without being in the same room as him. But what exactly is it that makes a video baby monitor for your newborn worth considering?

1. They allow you to see how the baby is standing or lying down. The truth is that it is not always necessary to tend and comfort an awake child. Sleep training takes a little time and you may need to let your child learn a few things on her own. When you have a video baby monitor, you will be able to see if the child is standing or lying down and her exact position so that you can assess the importance of your intervention. A quiet but awake child who is still lying down may need another minute to calm himself down and go to sleep. On the other hand, a restless child who is standing dangerously in the crib may need her intervention.

2. Saves you from nuisance awakenings that wake up a child who would otherwise have slept longer. After long hours of sleep, most parents are forced to go into the baby’s room to check on her. However, these types of controls mostly end up waking the child. With the help of a video baby monitor you will avoid entering the room and waking the baby. You can monitor her sleep and enjoy a more comfortable sleep without interfering, and therefore it is a good tool to train baby to sleep through the night.

3. The video baby monitor also helps in accurate sleep tracking. The thing to remember is that not all awake babies cry. A child may be tossing and turning without crying and this can be difficult to notice, especially when using an audio monitor that does not make it easy to differentiate between sounds. When you have a video monitor, you’ll be able to see what’s going on in the baby’s room even when she’s not crying. This helps you to know exactly how much sleep the baby is getting. By seeing exactly what time they finally settle down and sleep, you can accurately let them get enough sleep.


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