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Remove spring cleaning now!

It’ll be summer before you know it! I’m already surveying
Spring cleaning needs to be done. after all i am
the clean freak. Also, once it warms up – I want
play! Here are some tips to help make sure
you’ll be ready to play once the temperatures rise.

Use that spring optimism and make sure you are
Ready to play when the weather finally breaks! forget
waiting until spring to start spring cleaning. I mean,
Who wants to be cleaning when it’s hot outside?
Use impending hot weather as motivation to get
moving during this frustrating time of year. His
the house will be clean and you will be free.

Choose one of these tasks whenever you have a little extra time.

Wash your thumbnails. I use dish soap. Just be careful that
the figurine’s paint can resist immersion
in water.

Wash your silk plant arrangements.

Clean the picture frames with a soft cloth and Murphy
Oil soap.

Wash your wooden furniture with Weiman’s Furniture
Soap. Remember to wring out the cloth well. You do not want
Get your wooden furniture too wet! Continue with the Weiman
Furniture cream.

If the top of a wooden furniture doesn’t look like
As shiny as before, you can gently apply a rubbing compound.
Rinse well with a well wrung out rag and wipe a second
time before applying the furniture cream. i have been using this
technique in my dressing room for almost 30 years. Same dresser.
It still looks great.

Empty, empty, empty. Move furniture and vacuum
behind. edge. Vacuum the furniture. Vacuum your blinds.
Vacuum your mattresses.

Clean range hood. Even if you only work on it 5 minutes
at a time until clean. Something I call wear and tear
principle. I talk about it in Secret Confessions of a Clean
Freak. (leave the oven until you can open the windows).

Wash your window treatments.

If you have an open space above the kitchen cabinets, get up
there and clean it up! If it is very bad, you can use orange
409 and steel wool. If it’s really, really bad, spray liberally
with orange 409 and let it rest for 15 minutes. use a scraper
to remove hard layers of dirt. Then clean again with
409 and steel wool.

Wash the walls. Especially in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway.
Do a little at a time. Do not kill yourself.

If you are not in the habit of cleaning your cabinets in a
regularly, you should get into the habit. will keep your
cabinets look great for much longer. cleaning wood cabinets
down with Murphy Oil Soap. If it’s gotten really bad, you
may have to go back to the beginning of wear. I don’t understand
too enthusiastic or you may scratch the cabinets!

Keep your animals brushed.

Some things just don’t make sense to do now. Cleaning
the carpet when we are entering the mud season does not
it really makes a lot of sense. It won’t hurt either. I love my Kirby!
I can clean the carpets as many times as I want.

Washing the blinds is now difficult, so we can’t hang them.
outside to dry. Damned. Mine really needs it. What about yours?
Oh good…

Just do a little here and there, and by the time April
arrives, there won’t be much left to do inside.
You will be able to go outside and feel that warm sun.

Plus, you’ll get some exercise to make yourself look great.
when it’s time to put on those skimpy clothes!

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