the source of revolution


See with the sight of forgiveness

We have to learn to see with the sight of forgiveness because we have been taught to see the world in an unnatural way. We have been taught to judge almost everything. This blinds us to the world as it is and hides the light that would reveal our forgiveness. Starting to see in this way implies a real change in the way we see ourselves, our world and others. We must be to see that, in truth, we are not discrete from All That Is. This is much more than a conceptual ideology. This is a fact.

“O COMPANION OF MY THRONE! Hear no evil, do not see evil, do not humble yourself, sigh or cry …” (Bahá’u’lláh, Hidden Words, p. 44)

This command implies that we must exclude thoughts that condemn, blame or judge against. Nor should we have resentments or dwell within negative thought patterns. But what happens when we find those thoughts in our minds?

“… do not look at the faults of anybody; look with the sight of forgiveness. The imperfect eye contemplates the imperfections. The eye that covers the faults looks at the Creator of the souls.” (Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation of World Peace, p. 93)

If you are going to become someone who is “informed”, you will have to begin to acknowledge all the judgments, grievances, thoughts of war, etc. they originate in your own mind.

“… those who travel in the garden of the land of knowledge, because they see the end in the beginning, they see peace in war and friendship in anger.” (Bahá’u’lláh, The Seven Valleys, p. 15)

Now we are approaching the condition of access to Knowledge. In every situation, we know that the result is certain. We have seen the end at the beginning. When we encounter cruelty (war, anger, negativity) in another then, we see its beginning in our own minds. It is a judgment, a projection, a quality that we have assigned to another person. All judgments are based on deceptive motives because to err in this way is inherently human.

Forgiving is divine. How can we judge? We don’t have an overview of the totality of anyone’s situation, including our own. “Forgiving” the “other guy” is nothing more than acknowledging that we are willing to be wrong in our assessment of the situation and allowing the Truth to correct the mistakes in our mind. It is allowing the Knowledge of God to enter our minds. This is seeing with the sight of forgiveness.

By allowing Divinity to prevail, we have accepted the Atonement (or At-One-Ment) for ourselves and extended the healing power of Love. There is no more powerful act of love. This is true forgiveness. Through submission to Love itself, we can receive and give miracles that transcend the material planes of existence and bring earth closer to Heaven.

Ponder this: What if everything that is needed to save the world is treasured within you? What if you really are the Light of the World? What if you have been entrusted with the gifts of God? What if your world is waiting for redemption because it awaits your forgiveness, your love, your Savior? Not through arrogant grandeur of purpose, but through humble acceptance of the role you must fulfill.

Only you can save the world, because in the sense that you are creating through thought, it is you who did it.

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (King James Bible, Matthew, 16:19)

Look with the sight of forgiveness and be free to set others free.


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