the source of revolution


Singing Instruction: Singing and Swaying Problems "adam’s apple"

The “Adam’s apple” is actually a small box that contains and protects the vocal cords, called the larynx. The girls are smaller than the boys and don’t stick out as much. Hence the name Adam’s apple instead of Eve’s apple.

Most people don’t know that the main purpose of the vocal cords is to block the entrance to the lungs when we swallow, so we don’t choke.

Put a finger on your Adam’s apple and swallow. You will feel your larynx rise to the top of your throat. The reason for this is that it serves as a kind of cork, plugging the opening of the lungs (the esophagus). While this is happening, the opening inside the larynx also closes so nothing can get through. This little door inside the larynx is opened and closed by the vocal cords, working like the inner folds of a set of curtains that pull the curtains closed.

Therefore, the main purpose of the vocal cords is not to produce sounds, but to keep us alive by not allowing food or liquid to enter the lungs. Talking and singing are secondary purposes.

This action of the larynx is vital to our existence, but it is detrimental to our singing.

You see, as the larynx goes up, it reduces the area of ​​the throat between the vocal cords and the head. As the throat shortens, the sound becomes smaller and tighter. Quality is lost, high range is reduced and stress occurs.

The point is that we cannot swallow and sing at the same time, so there is no reason for the larynx to be high while we sing. Good singers actually have to train it to stay low, as it reflexively wants to go high when we sing.

There are excellent exercises available from private teachers or from recorded singing courses, but a good way to start your “larynx training program” is to be aware that this is probably happening and to “think” that you are lower when you sing. As you practice singing with the feeling of a low larynx, it will learn and begin to stay low without your constant supervision.

This will make amazing differences in your vocal quality, range, singing prowess, and stamina.


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