the source of revolution


Social Bookmarking Tips for Facebook

Success in social media marketing comes from building strong, long-lasting relationships with customers over many months and years, and passing them on the kind of content and experience that they will want to share with their friends and family. This approach will help attract and keep loyal customers, and it is an approach that is a world away from most traditional marketing efforts.

Social media is also an extremely effective tool for identifying new clients and professional contacts, and incorporating them to strengthen your brand image. And with time and effort, your work will show a return on investment (sales!) That traditional media is finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with.

I hope you find the Social Media Marketing Tips series helpful and wish you all the best, whether you’re a social media newbie or a smart person looking for some additional expert advice to propel your business towards bigger and better things. .

Facebook Tips:

Marketing strategy that you will like and share

Facebook is the most visited website in the world, with more than a billion users and it continues to grow. Your clients are there! By setting up a business Facebook fan page, you open up a myriad of marketing possibilities. What’s more, Facebook’s dominance extends to smartphones and desktops alike, with an ever-increasing focus on mobile users and location-based marketing that companies simply can’t afford not to. To be part. Use these tips to effectively build, bookmark, and market your Facebook fan page, as well as accumulate a highly engaged customer following.

Create a Facebook page, not a personal profile

This one is important: don’t just create another personal Facebook profile, but make sure you create a Facebook page, which works much more effectively for businesses. Log in to Facebook as an individual and search for ‘Create a page’ in the bar at the top of the site, or click the ‘Create a page’ button at the top of any existing Facebook page, or visit https: // www. to get started. Make sure to categorize your page correctly so that the task of finding you through a Facebook search is as easy as possible.

If you are running a personal profile like a business page, there is a chance that Facebook will shut it down without notice, so make the change as soon as you can. If you have an existing ‘business’ (personal) profile that you want to convert to a page, use Facebook’s ‘migrate’ tool to make the switch (and keep all your friends / followers at the same time!). Visit the following link to get started:

Keep your Facebook page name short and get it right the first time!

If possible, try to keep your Facebook page name short, as this will help if you continue to create Facebook ads, where the title space in the ad (often your page name) is limited to just 25 characters. .

You can only rename a Facebook page with less than 200 likes, so make sure you’re happy with yours right from the start. If you are not satisfied with the name of your page and it qualifies to be changed, follow these steps to change your name:

1. From the top of your page, click Edit Page.

2. Select Update Information.

3. Change the text in the Name field and save your edits.

Note: Renaming your page does not affect your username or page address.


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