the source of revolution

Shopping Product Reviews

Stole video game review for Playstation 2 (PS2), XBox and Nintendo Gamecube

As for stealth games, this one sucks. What I’m talking about? As far as any game goes, this one sucks. Do yourself a favor, don’t waste your time or money, skip this one. This game has absolutely no personality, just like its characters. The game is tedious at best, you can have more fun just looking at a cereal box.

First of all, the plot of this game is totally and utterly lacking in interest as well as the actual development. You play the game as Anya Romanov, who is a thief; she supposedly the best thief. However, for some reason, she follows the instructions of a former security officer whose name is Louie. Louie runs the missions throughout the game; he tells you everything you have to do so you have nothing to figure out for yourself. Basically, he just needs to pick locks, break safes, or hack computers. These take place over a measly four levels. Although there are mini-games to play that all seem the same.

The graphics suck, they’re so bland they make a white room look colourful. Graphics are not only the short end of the stick, but are also reused everywhere, throughout the entire game. Shadows appear on the ground without any source (no light, no object, no shadow?). Sometimes the shadows even point in the wrong direction. The voice acting is terrible along with most of the sound in this game. Along with everything else in this game. All I have to conclude is that I wish I could get my time back.


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