the source of revolution


Superbowl Sunday Thought For The Day: What Does It Take To Become A Champion?

Well, asking myself this question made me realize how sincerely thought-provoking it was, but I’m glad I did because I like to have those gerbils in my head spinning from time to time. I really had to dig into the cracks in my brain because the answer to this question is extremely important when it comes to achieving any kind of milestone or wish. I mean, no one is going for second place and being called the first loser isn’t exactly cool. However, the truth is that we are all born winners, each of us is entitled to a championship trophy in his way, but the problem is that we have to go out and sixteen.

Now, what I’m going to do first, to answer this question to the best of my ability, is to draw on my own real-life experiences and observations so that I can give you ideas that I can personally defend, that may give you an idea of ​​what the secret is. to this answer is. And while I don’t have championship trophies to display on a shelf on my wall (at least not post-high school), I have plenty of moments in my life where I’ve set a worthwhile goal. do and have achieved.

Consistent work ethic

So what do I personally think it takes to win “championships” in our career and personal endeavours? The first thing that comes to mind is consistency. All champions must have a CONSISTENT WORK ETHIC. Champions are not overnight successes. They are athletes who put their body in the gym and train to push themselves to the max, and when they think they’ve done it, they train some more. They are scientists who take the time in every moment they have to ask a question, run an experiment, formulate a hypothesis, do whatever it takes at the expense of sleep and sometimes their personal lives. All of this is to get them the answers they so badly need and aren’t guaranteed to get in the first place. They are entrepreneurs, chefs, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs who put in rigorous hours perfecting their craft with no promise of winning. But they do. And they continue to hone their craft and push their limitations until something breaks, be it their will or a glass ceiling. No champion I know of has been successful without an incredible work ethic. Everyone knows that the road is quite long, but they are willing to take it.


What’s next? Is it so? Is it just work, work, work, work and some more work and you’ll get where you want to be? That’s a big part, but you’ll also have to work in a particular way, which brings me to my next attribute, PASSION. What is it that keeps these entrepreneurs, athletes, and artists up at 1:00 in the morning when they could be partying at the neighborhood bar to pass the time? It’s called passion. And I think every person has this special quality deep within them, waiting to surface if they can just find that “one thing” that touches this part of their soul. And don’t think you have to look like you’ve been sponsored by Starbucks to show passion or enthusiasm. Passion can be displayed in a variety of ways and it comes from doing something you love. This in itself will be your driving energy, the fuel for your engine, keeping you on the road to success. When you love what you do, it will do a lot for you in return. You will have undying faith in what you are doing and who you are. You will have a sense of certainty and confidence cultivated by the work ethic. Then your mind will begin to guide you in a variety of ways to show you how to improve your efficiency and help you develop a good roadmap to achievement. You don’t have to know all the answers when you start, no one does, but you’ll get your answers along the way if you’re passionate enough about your goal. This is the basis for raising a winner. They may have an incredible work ethic, intelligence, will, and display many other admirable qualities, but the bottom line is this: if what they seek doesn’t feed their soul, they will never reach the heights of those they do. Passion gives you wings as you strive to reach the top.


So you know you have the passion and you know you have the work ethic, so what else do you need to become the next great champion? You will need to establish the appropriate ENVIRONMENT for yourself. And what I mean by that is that every Champion needs people around them, who motivate them, believe in them, support them, train them and yes, even hate them. They are all forces in motion that push the inner buttons of the fortress that can separate dream from reality. You’ll want a good balance of good and bad for you to achieve greatness. Take a look at this excerpt I posted from The Art of Expressing the Human Body if you haven’t already to see what I mean. It’s called “A man must constantly exceed his level.” Basically, this excerpt revolves around one of Bruce Lee’s students, Stirling Silliphant, who believes that he can’t run anymore and that he would die if he did. Bruce Lee responds to that thought by saying “he dies then”. And sure enough, this comment infuriated Stirling so much that he ended up running. Haters are good for us in a similar way and are a normal part of the process. Be thankful to those who hate you, as they can be your greatest motivation as you rise through the personal ladder. As for why he’ll need his supporters, well, what I’ll say about that is that we’re all human. In the past I have prided myself on having a strong mindset and being able to overcome extreme circumstances, which is a great testament to my own journey of self-improvement, but there will be unavoidable times when we will have our casualties. I have learned that everything is part of the path and is an integral part, because it is in these times that we build our character, define our purpose and what brings us closer to our destiny.

know what you want

Lastly, the final key quality, as simple as it sounds, should not be overlooked in this equation. And that is KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT. Before any of these qualities can begin to work for you, you need to know what you want. I see so many talented, smart, phenomenal people who just don’t know what they want out of life. They have a phenomenal work ethic, education to back it up, and they’re passionate people, but they haven’t found what they’re passionate about. And therein lies the difference, the most skilled sailor will continue to sink if his ship is called Titanic. I say this because we all need to discover our “ship”. The one in which we know without a doubt, that is the ship that will take us to the promised land. I’ve seen this over and over again with people, very talented and resourceful people, settling for less than they’re capable of because their skills are sinking. If that is a career they don’t like or if they are involved in one of the many “get rich quick” ideas. With the wave of so many future entrepreneurs today, all looking to receive fame or fortune, it seems that many want to get in where they fit, and my best advice is to take the time to reflect and know what you want. And it’s okay if you don’t do it at first, but that just means you have to do a little more introspection to figure out what that is, because once you do you’ll be on the direct path to success.

“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The winning performance itself is simply the demonstration of their character as a champion.” -T. Alan Armstrong

“Teamwork is so important that it is virtually impossible for you to reach the heights of your abilities without becoming very good at it.” -Brian Tracy

“A true champion is someone who wants to make a difference, who never gives up and who gives everything they have no matter the circumstances. A true champion works hard and never loses sight of their dreams.” -richardson point

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something deep inside them: a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have You have to have the ability and the will. But the will must be stronger than the ability.” -Muhammad Ali


As I look at these quotes coming from winners, champions, and highly successful people, this is what I hear. I hear passion in them. I hear a consistent work ethic. I hear pure focus and intent. I listen support system. I hear trust. I hear so many of the same attributes repeated by the great people of our time. There is no big secret, it’s just finding and using the gifts that God has given you and taking them as far as you can. Also remember what you will need with you for the road less travelled. You will need a consistent work ethic, passion, creating the right environment, and finally, you need to know what you want. Everything else will fall into place! I really hope this helps shed some light on not only this question, but also finds a resonating place in your life. Have an amazing week! Keep faith! And lots of love!

“Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination and a hard-to-find alloy called guts.” -Dan Gable


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