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Surviving the Holidays: Make a List and Double Check It

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is upon us. With Black Friday behind us, Christmas will be here before you know it.

There are many things I enjoy about this time of year. Like the twinkling white lights strung from the tree branches along the city streets and the glow of the ornately decorated houses. What an added treat when we get a light dusting of snow to lighten the ground. No wonder it is a favorite time of the year for many.

However, if your life is anything like mine, you also know that it can be the most stressful time of the year. As soon as we clear the table after Thanksgiving, we’re hit with a shopping spree. The next few weeks fill up quickly with card writing, gift wrapping, and party planning.

Just as our personal lives are busy this time of year, our work lives can be just as hectic. All the year-end activity and deadlines often mean more hours and added stress. If we are not careful, this season of joy and expectation will easily turn into a season of fear and discouragement.

Before you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do, try taking the advice of jolly old St. Nick. Make yourself a list and check it twice, before the upcoming holidays have you spinning.

making your list

Take time now to set your expectations for the season. Make a list of important activities and traditions that you and your family want to enjoy. Your list should include family reunions, company parties, and other school or church events. Will you be entertaining, shopping, decorating or baking? Be sure to write it down. As you work on your list, think carefully about the following question. What do I (we) want to experience this holiday season that is most meaningful? Write your answer at the top of your list.

Double check your list

First, review your list to see if your expectations are realistic for the time you have available. What can you reasonably handle in the next few weeks? Consider your work schedule as well as your personal schedule. How will you pace yourself and organize your time? Go back to what you wrote at the top of your list. Now ask yourself: What activities will support (or not support) what I want to experience this season? Decide what things can be removed, and accept that you may not be able to do it all.

Second, check that your expectations are reasonable and within your budget. With the economy struggling, you may need to cut back. The stores are full of temptations. Write down what you need to buy before you hit the malls and stick to your list. Spend your money responsibly without racking up your credit cards. Try to focus more on creating meaningful memories rather than things that bring short-term gratification.

As you embrace this joyous time of year, stay focused on the true meaning of the season. And most importantly, leave room to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. I wish you and yours happy holidays.


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