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The architecture of the Android operating system

It is not an exaggeration to mention that Android is the undisputed leader in the domain of smartphones and laptops. According to the latest market estimates, it capitalizes more than 80 percent of the total industry. The popularity of the Android mobile operating system is mainly due to Google’s decision to keep it as an open source product and integrate it with other tech giants from different spheres. The Open Handset Alliance, which is made up of companies like Samsung, LG, HTC, AT&T, provides Android with the latest technological benefits. However, unknown to most Android users, its real power comes from its core elements. Here, we take a look at the basic components on which the Android system is based:

has. The Linux Kernel: The stability and security that comes with Android phones is due to its Linux base. Before the Ice-cream sandwich version of Android, Linux 2.6 was used to power its kernel. Since Linux is also essentially an open source product, Google made its own modifications to the architecture of the code to optimize it for mobile devices. However, the latest versions of Android use the updated version of Linux 3.0.

b. File system: Android follows the structure of a basic Unix file system, but has also made some architectural changes. Storage is divided into several categories based on different purposes. The “/system” folder is for operating system use only and Android users do not have access to modify files in the folder. On the other hand, all application and user data is stored in the “/data” folder. While other Linux distributions allow at least one user to have root access to the system, most Android phone manufacturers block root access for customers.

vs. Software stack: A set of runtime libraries specific to Android and other frameworks that are overlaid on top of the Linux kernel. The application framework forms the third layer, which is a container for most of the applications that reside on the phone. The application framework includes contact manager, phone manager, location manager, package manager, content providers, and other utility middleware interfaces. This particular layer has been extensively coded with the C programming language.

d. Applications: Android applications form the top layer of Android architecture. These are of greater relevance to the user, as it provides functions that the owner of the device can use directly. Internally, these apps communicate with the app framework to fulfill their purposes and provide features to users.


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