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The benefits of eating hemp for a raw diet

Hemp has been around for centuries and was primarily cultivated in ancient China, but was also cultivated in early India, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt. In the United States, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp, and Benjamin Franklin owned a hemp paper mill in which the Declaration of Independence was written. Hemp is one of the natural materials with the longest history. Cultivated for over 12,000,000 years, humans have benefited from this malleable substance in a variety of ways. Hemp was adopted by our ancestors and is classified as an extremely useful renewable resource. Hemp was often used for sails and ship ropes, making it a mandatory crop for early American colonies and settlements, even eventually making its way into the US Army’s “Hemp for Victory” campaign. The uses of hemp are so wide that Henry Ford experimented with it when he invented the modern automobile and now plays a part in the manufacturer’s attempt foreign car company BMW to make cars recyclable and more environmentally friendly. Hemp even finds its way into some of the bird seed you find in pet stores. Composed of long fibers, it is a strong, viable, light and healthy product that has value in a multitude of industries. Regardless of whether it’s construction, food, fashion, fuel, or any of the numerous categories hemp falls under, one thing is certain and that is that it doesn’t get as much credit as it deserves. As valuable as hemp has been to our past, it is even more important to our future. Hemp is one of the best raw foods the planet has ever seen. Hemp oil is of unmatched quality and provides health benefits that other raw foods simply cannot. In this article we will review some of the reasons why hemp is one of the most powerful raw foods available to us.

Considered a “perfect food” for humans due to its ideal ratio of linoleic acid (LA-Omega 6) to alpha-linolenic acid (LNA-Omega 3) of 3:1, hemp oil provides the body with an ideal balance of essential fatty acids (EFA). With the ability to provide all of the essential fatty acids vital to the entirety of human life, there is no other raw food or oil that can match the efficiency and value of hemp when it comes to this aspect of health. Low in saturated fatty acids, hemp is the only oil that does not cause acid deficiencies through continued, focused use within a proper diet. It is also conducive to frozen storage for long periods of time, unlike other oils, it is not susceptible to rapid nutrient deterioration and does not require preservatives for a longer shelf life. If made and processed correctly, everything about hemp is natural and from the earth, which is well received by our bodies. Some of the hemp oil health benefits include but are not limited to more vibrant skin, increased stamina, reduced inflammation, water retention, better blood pressure, improved immune system, reduced pain, weight loss and much more. It can also help with diseases such as arthritis, cancer and those related to the heart. In addition to the essential fatty acids mentioned above, hemp oil provides essential amino acids, the rare protein globules edestin and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA-Omega 6) and stearidonic acid (SDA-Omega 3), all of which are crucial for correct operation. of the body. Hemp is a truly wonderful raw food that should never be ignored. If you are not currently aware of all the benefits of hemp and hemp seed oil, it is certainly a topic that you would want to investigate further. Raw food enthusiasts often overlook its value due to some of the misinformed stigma attached to the product.

Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil are not illegal in the United States or in most other countries. Hemp seeds are 35% protein, 47% fat, and 12% carbohydrates. Hemp seeds are packed with protein, which is helpful in building muscles, tendons, organs, hair, nails, etc. from his body. This is especially good for raw vegan, vegetarian and vegetarian diets. Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids that are necessary to sustain life. It is increasingly used as a dietary option by those who understand raw foods and even those who are simply looking for a healthier way to live. Through years of inappropriate advertising and mislabeling by governments, hemp and hemp seed oil are still relatively unknown health foods. For experienced doctors or medical researchers, hemp is one of the most fantastic substances for our body, both inside and out. It is important to note that, like most raw foods, hemp is best not heated to high temperatures if its redeeming qualities are to be maintained. Now available in most grocery stores and health food stores, hemp seed oil is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. As one of the best types of oil ever known to mankind, it’s amazing and sad that hemp doesn’t get more press. Even among some of the most experienced raw foodists it is still not considered a plausible diet option and, simply put, this needs to change. If you don’t include hemp in your daily routine, you are missing out on an available resource that is unparalleled in the oil market.

Nutty and flavorful and easy to use in salad dressings, soups, smoothies, and even main dishes, hemp is a long-lost ingredient that needs to be revitalized. For the average human being, only 50-75 grams per day is needed to obtain the associative benefits of nutrients. For those on therapy, doses can reach up to 150 grams.

For most of us, hemp is not yet part of our diet. If you plan to incorporate hemp into your diet, it is recommended that you consult a physician, a raw food expert, or an experienced nutritionist. As with any new product you introduce to your diet, it’s best to take your time and do the proper background check. If you want to start adding hemp oil to your diet, I have included some safe and delicious recipes to help you get started. For more raw food recipes and tips, check out my books and websites.

**Please note that we always recommend the use of organic or pesticide/herbicide free ingredients. When farm fresh ingredients can be used, the opportunity should always be seized. Support your local farmers/producers and be responsible for planet earth.

Hemp Protein Shake Recipe


2 tablespoons of hemp protein powder
6 ounces of carrot juice
6 ounces of orange juice
2 bananas
1/2 cup filtered water (or a few ice cubes)


Place all ingredients in a blender, food processor, or mixer. Mix until smooth.

Hemp Vinaigrette Salad Dressing Recipe


1/2 cup hemp seed oil
1/4 cup lemon juice (add a pinch or two of lemon shavings/zest if using fresh lemon)
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2-4 mint leaves
1 tablespoon ginger


Place all ingredients in a blender, food processor, or mixer. Mix until smooth. This salad dressing can last up to 10 days in the refrigerator when stored in an airtight Tupperware or similar container.

Spicy hemp gazpacho recipe


1 cup of hemp seed oil
4 tomatoes
1 cucumber (peeled)
1 red onion
1 green bell pepper
3 cups of tomato juice
4 garlic cloves (crushed)
2 mild jalapeƱos


Dice 25% of the tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, jalapeƱos, and green bell pepper and reserve in a bowl.

Place remaining ingredients (garlic, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, green bell pepper, tomato juice, hemp seed oil, jalapenos) in a blender, food processor, or shaker and blend until smooth.

Pour the vegetable mixture into a bowl of diced vegetables. Serve cold.

Salt and pepper to taste. Tabasco sauce is also a great addition if more spice is needed.


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