the source of revolution


The hierarchy of needs and how it relates to plumbing

It is said that the most basic needs of man are the following: air, food, water, sleep and shelter.

Your home should be perfectly equipped to meet each of those needs: clean air, nutritious food, reliable water, and comfortable rest in a safe haven. Because once you have these basic needs, you can move on to the higher requirements like: security, love, esteem and self-actualization.

We don’t want to sit in our homes and worry about the air we breathe or the water we drink. That’s why you need to take care of the most important backbone of your home: your plumbing.

Overflowing water or sewage can pose various health hazards to you and your family. Leftover water can turn into harmful mold that can cause respiratory problems that impair even that first basic need: to breathe. Overflow waste may contain bacteria that can cause infection or disease.

When a sewer line becomes clogged, the result should be treated by a professional to minimize the potential for recurrence. The qualified and trained plumber has the necessary equipment to clean drains so that damage to your shelter can be reduced. Also, the mess needs to be contained and cleaned up so there are no more contaminants or potential for mold.

Clogs may come from that nimble kid who is known for his ability to quickly slip under the radar and drop a Lego down the toilet. But you don’t have to have a 2-year-old to have a clogged drain. Any foreign object can get stuck in the fat deposits that already exist and begin to accumulate other materials such as toilet paper, food particles, hair, and other items. A clog will quickly form behind a foreign object stuck in a sewer pipe.

Tree roots can be a hazard to sewer pipes. The moisture inside the pipe attracts the growing root. This growing plant anchor can slip into even the smallest cracks or joints in the sewer line. Then the roots will grow, enlarging the crack. These roots will quickly become a dam for hair, paper, and other materials.

With the video inspection service, clogging can be quickly diagnosed. A suitable course of action can then be determined, perhaps a snake, an environmentally safe drain cleaning, or an electric rooter.

When your plumbing threatens your basic needs like air, water, and a good night’s sleep because you’re worried about your pipes, call a qualified professional. A professional plumber will put an end to your worries.


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