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The job of a wedding planner

Weddings are a magical moment for any girl. Some have large, fairytale-like weddings, while others opt for a simpler, more relaxed feel. No matter what her preference is, a wedding planner can help you make the most of the day. One of the most important things to remember when preparing to announce a wedding is timing. You want to have at least a year to fully plan, organize, and prepare yourself and your fiancé for that day. There is nothing worse than rushing your wedding plans and having something go wrong. You will remember that part for the rest of your life, the rest of that day will be in comparison. Do yourself a favor, hire someone to do the planning for you.

The job of a wedding planner

A wedding planner is there to make sure you have a less stressful wedding day. We won’t fool you here; It’s going to drive you crazy for the last few weeks, however, build a good relationship with your wedding planner and things will go much smoother. So how can your wedding planner help you?

• Help you choose a location.

• Organize food services.

• Arrange flowers.

• Arrange the decoration and assemble/disassemble.

• Attend, or complete, your wedding announcements and invitations.

As you can see, having a quality wedding planner will take a lot of the weight off your shoulders. You need to be able to trust him/her as this is YOUR special day, and if they are not willing to help you achieve what you hope for, find someone else.

Tips to remember

· Weddings can be expensive; however, there are ways that you can save money very easily.

Plan your wedding out of season. If you can, marry in late fall, early winter. The rates will be the cheapest since many will get married in the summer. Be unique, have a winter wedding and see all the beautiful snow to match your sparkling dress. The white background will give everyone a very radiant look.

· Cash is king. When it comes to booking a DJ or a band, or even a venue, you can almost always get a better deal by offering cash.

· Never accept a supplier’s first offer. Call them back a few weeks later and see if you can keep lowering the price. Also, call for quotes and crisis numbers.

· Try to do as much as you can. If catering is going to cost you an arm and a leg, see if you can prepare some of the food yourself. DIY is much more realistic for a small wedding, less than 60 people. This is also a great way to get both sides of the family involved.

Weddings can be magical, and not leave your bank sobbing or a credit card maxed out. All it takes is a lot of planning, number crunching, and ingenuity.


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