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Real Estate

The Most Common Causes of Commercial Roof Repairs

The roof is a business’s first line of defense against the elements. With proper care and maintenance, most systems will last over 10 years, but damage does occur. These are some of the most common causes of commercial roof repairs that business owners should look for throughout the year.

Faulty or damaged turn signal

Metal flashing covers seams and seams to keep water and debris out of the subfloor. When flashing is damaged or improperly installed, moisture can collect in the materials. Over time, this can lead to leaks within the building and cause long-term damage to the structure.

stagnant water

Many commercial buildings use a flat roof system. Although they are usually durable and easy to maintain, flat options are prone to collecting water, especially in spring and winter. When water collects and does not drain off the structure, it can accelerate deterioration and force the business owner to schedule commercial roof repairs sooner than would be necessary.


High winds can damage homes and commercial structures are no different. During wind storms or extreme flavors, loose materials can catch the wind and break off the surface. If the wind is strong enough, materials can blow the entire subfloor away, leaving a portion of the surface unprotected from the elements. Routine commercial roof repairs will keep this risk to a minimum.

Lack of maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to prolonging the life of a commercial roofing system. If a business owner schedules regular inspections as the seasons change or calls in a repair professional at the first sign of damage, the system will last for many years. However, if the materials are not properly maintained, they will break down prematurely and require expensive repairs or replacement.

low hanging temples

While this problem is more common in residential areas, some businesses are subject to damage from low-hanging branches. As trees move in the wind, their branches scrape the surface of buildings, damaging materials, siding, and even the seal between exterior roofing materials and the waterproof membrane below. Trimming low branches back should be enough to keep the materials in good condition.

poor ventilation

Roofing systems require good ventilation to protect the building. If there is too much heat buildup or inadequate ventilation in the attic space, the structure can be compromised. Glue and caulking can weaken and cause blisters or air pockets, while also putting undue stress on the attic frame.


The older the structure, the more frequently repairs will be needed. Since areas decompose over time, it is important to schedule routine inspections every year. During these inspections, a roofer will examine the integrity of the materials and recommend the proper course of action to help an older structure last as long as possible. Business owners should keep in mind that the system will eventually need to be replaced. Also, if you have to make repair calls several times a month, it may be best to replace the entire roof.

All business owners should be on the lookout for these common signs of damage in order to keep their building as safe as possible.


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