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The way to renew kitchen cabinets

If you ever choose to be able to refinish your kitchen cabinets instead of replacing them, you’ll save thousands of dollars on this progress. Replacing cabinets at a cost of $3,000 to $5,000 to refinish them for a few hundred, it’s not hard to see why this is a popular remodeling decision. Of course, you must have wooden cabinets in order to restore them.

1. Remove knobs, hinges, and other hardware.

2. Using 100-grit sandpaper plus a random orbital sander, sand the cabinet frames and even the doors. Use 60-grit sandpaper for simple areas. Be sure to keep the edges sharp and don’t even sand any details or round the edges or corners.

3. Using wood putty, overfill any dents, dents, and dents then smooth them out with a flat surface such as an edger or flat tool. As soon as it is dry, sand smooth and then wipe the wood down with a damp cloth. Once it’s dry, you’re ready to refinish your kitchen cabinets with paint or stain.

4. You will want to be able to stain at this point, when you want a wood look, or use a primer so you can prepare for painting. Choose an oil-based primer. More do not skimp on the brand. Spending more on a good quality primer is worth it as long as you don’t have to deal with cabinets that are peeling or flaking along the way. If you’ve stained the cabinets, selected something oily, and it won’t come off, opt for a primer that doubles as a sealer to keep the stains visible and visible on your paint job. Oil-based primer is more expensive and even much more complicated to use, but oil-based primers and paints are much more durable than latex.

5. Using oil-based paint with longer, smoother strokes, use a single coat of your choice of paint, starting at the back of the kitchen cabinets to avoid dragging your arm with wet paint later. Choose an oil-based paint in semi-gloss or gloss for a complete result that you want as a specialist. Allow to dry and apply a second coat.

6. Depending on the look you are going for, you can paint the trim and trim a different color than the base of the cabinets or doors. If the doors have sill trim and are even square, then painting the open area of ​​the doors can give a dramatic look, especially if it is very different from the sill trim.

7. Once everything is dry, reattach the cabinet doors, and then reattach the pulls and knobs. While your cabinets may look new even with old pulls and knobs, now is the perfect time to make the switch and really put the finishing touches on your cabinets.

If you’ve wondered if you should refinish or refinish your kitchen cabinets, your budget and even the type of cabinets you have could be guideposts. Refinishing could cost around $200, while refacing costs around $1,000 minimum. In case you don’t have wood cabinets, you have them to face or replace. But if you ever decide to refinish your kitchen cabinets, you need to be able to restore them to their organic beauty.


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