the source of revolution


Things to consider before buying your geothermal heat pump

If you are in the process of selecting a ground source heat pump to install on your property, here are some things to consider.

First, how energy efficient is the heat pump? There are two measures to consider: the COP and the EER. The COP or coefficient of performance measures the heating efficiency of the heat pump and its EER or energy efficiency ratio measures its cooling efficiency. To determine the most energy efficient units, look for the Energy Star certified label, which indicates a COP of 2.5 or higher and an EER of 13 or higher.

Second, what are the specific geological and hydrological characteristics of your land? These characteristics would determine the best type of geothermal heat pump to install. For example, if there are bodies of surface water on your land, an open source system may be the best option, while if the amount of space available for installation is limited, you may need a horizontal closed loop system.

Third, how will you pay for the system? Although a geothermal system will save you a lot of money in operation and maintenance costs, you will still have to shell out a hefty upfront outlay. On average, a geothermal system is estimated to cost around $7,500 for a typical three-ton residential unit, in contrast to other systems that can cost you around $4,000. Before you make your final purchase, explore incentive options and special financing options from state, federal and local sources for energy-efficient home improvements and banks for energy-efficient mortgages.


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