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Tips and tricks for professional carpet cleaning

No matter how hard you try to keep the carpets in your home clean, they will inevitably get dirty. Floors in general see a lot of foot traffic. It’s not easy to keep carpet as clean as most other flooring surfaces. Dirt, grime, and stains are trapped within the fibers of the carpet and cannot be easily removed like other flooring surfaces. So despite your best efforts to keep your rugs clean, something will eventually make them dirty: muddy shoes, spills, pet accidents, kids, and more.

But just because your carpets get dirty doesn’t mean you’re helpless; you just need to know these handy tips and tricks used by many professional carpet cleaners!

The best tips for cleaning carpets
Professional carpet cleaners know what works when it comes to cleaning carpets:

  • Do not rub stains; dry them instead. If you see a stain on your carpet, don’t rub it to try to get it out. Instead, gently dry them with carpet cleaning products and a clean sponge or cloth. This technique allows a small amount of pressure to absorb the stain without rubbing it, which will only drive the stain particles deeper into the carpet fibers.
  • Use sparkling water. In the event that you do not have a carpet cleaner at home, the best thing to use is club soda as a carpet cleaner. If rubbing the area with sparkling mineral water alone doesn’t work, mix it with one part white vinegar and then apply the solution to the entire stained area and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Afterward, take a clean sponge and continue to blot the area. Once the stain is gone, rinse the stain with lukewarm water.
  • Use a comb to remove the candy. If she has kids, she may have already experienced candy stuck in her carpet and wondering how the heck to get it out. The next time this happens to you, she grabs a comb or butter knife and tries to remove it. Then use a mild soap and water solution and pat the area dry with a sponge.
  • Use organic carpet cleaners for pet accidents. If you have pets, accidents are likely to happen on the carpet and it may require you to scrub rather than dry. This is why it is recommended to use organic cleaners that do not contain harsh chemicals that can damage your carpet.

The best upholstery cleaner also cleans carpets

The best way to clean stains and grime from your carpet is to have a cleaner on hand. This way, you won’t be running around the house trying to find natural ingredients. But when looking for an effective carpet cleaner, it’s best to find one that works on upholstery as well so you get more for your money. Like rugs, care must be taken when cleaning upholstery so as not to damage its delicate fibers. And the best upholstery cleaners are gentle yet powerful formulas that won’t ruin your upholstered items like diapers and dining room chairs.

The most effective sofa cleaners are ecological
Since your whole family probably loves lounging on your capes, they get a lot of use and can get dirty faster than most rugs and other upholstered furniture. Due to their frequent use, you will most likely need to clean them regularly to keep them looking their best. You’ll want to use a couch cleaner free of acids, solvents, and phosphates, which can be toxic. Also make sure it also has low volatility organic compounds and is free of odors and fumes.

Carpet cleaning products that do it all
Instead of having multiple cleaning supplies that tackle just one thing, opt for carpet cleaning products that do it all! This way you have more space in your cleaning cupboard and you don’t have to worry about using multiple products. Just one powerful carpet cleaner is all you need to remove tough stains. Also look for a cleaner that doesn’t require you to do too much scrubbing because you risk ruining your rugs and diapers.

And don’t forget to also give your carpet and upholstery a deep cleaning every few months to keep them looking like new again! Now that you know how the professionals clean carpets, you’ll be ready the next time you see a stain.


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