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Digital Marketing

Top 10 Advantages of Data Aggregation Services

To create a successful 360-degree direct marketing campaign, you need a comprehensive, integrated business or consumer database. Today, more than 87% of organizations in the US have incomplete databases. Collected over the years through various sources such as direct mail, website, telemarketing, promotions, events and more, your database is now a combination of customer information with some critical data missing from each of contact fields.

There are several companies around the world that offer database aggregation services with high match rates. Through these services, you can have a foolproof database that will help you generate more profit for every dollar you spend on marketing.

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should invest in adding your database right away.

1. Relive Old Contacts – Will help you get the customer’s latest contact details including name, title, phone, email id, mailing address, state, zip code and more so you can communicate even with old and lost customer contacts. The updated NCOA in the provider database will allow you to reach out to those who have moved and touch them again.

2. Open the doors to new forms of marketing: Once you have the entire database in your hands, you can touch your prospects at various points through multi-channel marketing. By having a direct marketing strategy with a mix of email, direct mail, and telemarketing activities, you can increase your customer engagement and retention rates.

3. Increase response rates – Reduce waste due to undeliverable mail, increase response rates, and increase savings on postage and printing. This will significantly reduce your customer acquisition and marketing costs.

4. Data Cleansing: In addition to adding missing information, you can also correct your data for errors, such as outdated locality names; misspelled locations, names and email ids, zip codes; fraud names and email addresses, among others.

5. Save hassle, cost, time and resources: You can access millions of attached records according to your needs, without the hassle of collecting, collating, managing and updating the database.

6. Gain a competitive advantage – By delivering the right content to the right prospects at the right time, through the right channel, you can stay one step ahead of your competition. The cost of acquiring new customers is much higher than keeping old ones, so tap into the potential of your existing contacts.

7. Faster Response: Data aggregation providers provide a number of aggregation services, such as email aggregation, phone aggregation, fax aggregation, address aggregation, and reverse aggregation. They provide add rates ranging from 30-70% (depending on the shape of their internal database) and deliver results in a week or two, so you can start your full-circle marketing campaign right away.

8. Improve data integrity – Through attached services, you get a complete and robust database. You can also get other demographic details of your prospects while adding, like age, gender, income, credit score, etc. This will help you understand your market and design highly targeted marketing strategies.

9. Get verified contact details – All attached records are verified and therefore 100% delivery guaranteed so you can ensure accuracy in your marketing campaign.

10. Affordable – Thousands of records are attached for just a couple of bucks. Compared to the internal costs you’ll incur when upgrading your database, this is among the cheapest ways and generates a higher return on investment.

The benefits that your business will witness are more than mentioned here. Take action now, run marketing activities based on your strong internal database to attract and retain your prospects; otherwise your competition will sweep them away from you.


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