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Health Fitness

Top 10 Slim Foods for Healthy Weight Loss

Losing weight is about eating clean and eating smart, it’s about being mindful and responsible for everything we put into our bodies. Those looking for a quick fix will be disappointed. There is no secret to lose weight, there is no magic diet either… sorry! It all comes down to what we put in our mouths. The old saying, you are what you eatYou are absolutely right, 75% (if not more) of the weight loss battle is food related. By initiating small changes to your regular diet, eliminating certain foods and incorporating healthy alternatives, you will see weight loss in no time. The other 25% of the equation is exercise. To achieve optimal results, a healthy diet and regular exercise go hand in hand.

Here are the best 10 superfoods that keep your metabolism revved up so that burn more fat. Try to get as many of these into your diet right away as you can:

  1. Oatmeal
  2. egg whites
  3. Grapefruit
  4. walnuts
  5. fresh products
  6. Yoghurt
  7. Integral rice
  8. 100% whole grain
  9. Beans
  10. Green Tea

1. Oatmeal – is a great way to start the day. Oats, in any variety (quick, rolled, old-fashioned, steel-cut, but not instant), are high in fiber and provide your body with a constant source of fuel while keeping your blood sugar stable. . It keeps you full longer so you don’t crave that mid-morning sugar fix.

2. egg whites – Compared to the whole egg, the whites are definitely the healthier option. One egg white contains 17 calories, 0.1 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, and 5 g protein. The egg yolk, on the other hand, contains a whopping 55 calories, 4.5g of fat, 1.6g of saturated fat, 210mg of cholesterol, and 2.7g of protein. The numbers speak for themselves.

3. Grapefruit – They are delicious, juicy, fragrant and a powerful weight loss agent. The grapefruit diet has been around for years and has an avid following, but now there is real research showing that grapefruits promote healthy weight loss. Red grapefruits, in particular, have an insulin-lowering property that aids in weight loss and improved health.

4. walnuts – Nuts are high in calories and high in fat, so how are they a skinny food? Nuts are mostly unsaturated fat, which is good fat; they lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and have been shown to aid in healthy weight loss when consumed in moderation. The high fat content can prevent cravings, which lead to unhealthy food choices. Nuts are packed with powerful nutrients and make a great on-the-go snack, but portion control is key.

5. fresh products – Fresh fruits and vegetables should make up the bulk of your diet. Most vegetables, particularly the leafy green variety, are naturally low in carbohydrates, high in antioxidants, and very low in calories. It is recommended to include in the diet products of all varieties and colors. Increasing your daily intake of produce will decrease your total caloric intake, leading to healthy weight loss.

6. Yoghurt – Research has found that eating low-fat yogurt daily significantly increases fat-burning potential. This particular study found that those who ate low-fat yogurt daily lost an average of 22% more weight, 61% more body fat, and 81% more belly fat! Beware of sweet fruit yogurts, they tend to be higher in calories and sugar, and avoid those sweetened with artificial sweeteners. Low-fat Greek yogurt is a great option and can be sweetened with honey or agave.

7. Integral rice – Brown rice is a nutrient-dense whole grain. Among the many other health benefits of brown rice, the high fiber content is what makes it a great weight loss food. The high fiber content provides bulk that keeps you full longer, preventing sugar cravings that lead to poor food choices.

8. 100% whole grain – For the same reasons as brown rice, whole-grain pasta, breads, and cereals are the recommended option for healthy weight loss. Sprouted grain breads are my recent discovery; they are a complete protein that is digested more efficiently by the body. The low gluten content of sprouted cereal breads makes them an excellent food for a flat stomach.

9. Beans and lentils – Beans and lentils (also called vegetables) are a power food. They are high in protein, high in soluble fiber, and have a low glycemic index, making them the perfect weight loss food.

10 Green Tea – Certain compounds in green tea have been shown to help with weight loss. The high concentrations of catechin polyphenols along with other chemicals in green tea increase the oxidation of body fats and thermogenesis. In other words, green tea helps speed up your metabolism and increases your fat burning potential. Green tea has many more health benefits and is recommended as part of a healthy diet.

SOURCES: Zemel, M. International Journal of Obesity, April 2005; volume 29: pp. 391-397. Press release, General Mills.


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