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Travel Insurance and Acts of God

When a natural catastrophe or ‘act of God’ strikes, such as a volcanic eruption and the resulting ash cloud that blocks air travel, leaving travelers stranded, many wonder if it’s worth purchasing travel insurance.

All travel insurance policies have conditions and exclusions, depending on the risks the insurer is or is not willing to accept. In the event of a volcano eruption and resulting ash cloud that caused flights to be grounded (as happened in an unprecedented incident in the UK in 2010), many travelers may have been left stranded, and out of pocket, with airlines, tour operators. and travel insurance, all seemingly trying to pass the buck.

In the event of a natural disaster like this, airlines and tour operators can take responsibility for their passengers by refunding fares, rescheduling flights and, in some cases, compensating for lodging, meals and additional expenses.

When travelers have organized their own DIY trip by purchasing flights and accommodation separately, the costs may not be as easily reimbursed. When things go wrong, this can lead to understandably upset, angry and frustrated travelers turning to their insurance provider for compensation.

All insurance policies have exclusions and conditions. It would be crazy if it were any other way!

In many cases, when a bonded airline or tour operator goes bankrupt, tourists can continue their holidays abroad and arrangements are made to bring them home. That is why it is very important to book the trip with a guaranteed travel agent or tour operator.

It is also advisable to pay for all travel arrangements by credit card. In the UK, protection and compensation may be available under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Check for similar protection schemes in your country of residence.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that travelers buy insurance for their trip and opt for the cheapest policy they find on a comparison site, not bothering to read the terms and conditions of the policy. This may turn out to be a false economy!

They set out on their journeys and gave it no more thought, well, that is, until something went wrong. Only then do they discover that certain aspects of their insurance coverage may not be included, or coverage levels are very low, and they are stuck and basically on their own when it comes to paying the bills.

It is possible to find affordable travel insurance to cover your trips, but always check what is covered and what is not, and that all your planned activities are included. If you’re still confused, just pick up the phone, call and ask.


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