the source of revolution

Lifestyle Fashion

turn on fake fur

Since medieval times, humans have been using animal skins for the purpose of clothing. Thus killing animals to obtain their fur. This practice faces opposition from animal lovers and environmentalists as it poses the threat of demise for many animal species. Therefore, to overcome this problem, “fake animal skin” was invented.

In appearance and feel, it exactly matches real skin. It is composed of processed and dyed polymeric fibers. After the processing and dyeing process, the fabric is cut to match the texture and color of a particular hide. This weave is also known as pile weave. If we try to compare the original fur with the fake animal fur, it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. This is due to the use of advanced technology to make this type of fake fur.

History of faux fur

If we study the history of clothing, we find that fur was one of the oldest forms of clothing worn by men and women. Humans have always had a fascination with animal fur, but it was always an expensive item that was also in short supply. When faux fur was first introduced, it was made from the hair of a mammal called an alpaca. Although the fur was of poor quality compared to furs such as mink and beaver, since it provided warmth and was inexpensive, manufacturers continue to make it and improve its quality and color. True modern faux fur was introduced in the late 1950s. This became possible when acrylic polymers were replaced by the use of alpaca fur.

The special characteristics of the acrylic polymer included: light weight than other faux fur fabrics and it also provided the volume needed to mimic real fur. It was much easier to texture and dye this polymer. Continuous research and innovations were carried out to give the faux leather a more realistic look and feel and also make it fire resistant. This was achieved when acrylic polymers were blended with other polymers. This new generation of fabrics developed was called modacrylic. This newly developed fabric is now mainly used to make faux fur.

Fake animal fur is made in such a way that it has the look and warmth of real animal fur. However, it is impossible to exactly match real animal fur, these faux furs have additional advantages over natural fur in that artificial furs can be dyed any shade of color, are more durable, and are less prone to environmental abuse. Some of them are even hand washable. Before the invention of faux fur, the rich and famous could only wear fur. But now, as artificial furs are less expensive and easily available, more and more people are buying them. Thus, safeguarding the interests of animal activists and environmentalists and also avoiding the killing of innocent animals for their fur.

Used materials

Fake fur is made from a variety of materials. Synthetic leathers are made using acrylic, modacrylic polymers, or a combination of these polymers in the proper ratio. Acrylic polymers are made up of chemical compositions. The chemicals used in the manufacture of acrylic polymers are derived from coal, air, water, limestone, and petroleum. When acrylonitrile monomer is subjected to chemical reactions under controlled conditions of high heat and pressure, an acrylic polymer is obtained. Modacrylic polymers are copolymers. They are made by the reaction between acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride monomers. The increasing use of modacrylic for the manufacture of synthetic furs is due to its property of being easily dyed with real-looking animal fur dyes and being flame resistant.

These chemically manufactured polymers have many advantages over natural leather. They provide the spongy appearance to the garment, lighter and more bouncy. They are also resistant to various abusive environmental situations such as heat, smoke and sunlight. Their maintenance is also very easy, since they can be easily washed or dry cleaned without any problem. In addition, they are not attacked by insects either. They have the property of low moisture absorption and therefore dry quickly.

Other natural fabrics such as silk, mohair and wool are used to improvise the look and feel of the faux fur garment. In combination with polypropylene, cotton or wool is used to make the base of the fibers. Various types of resins and silicones are used to add shine and softness to synthetic leathers. Tints and colors are then added. Designers, to give faux fur a natural look, use colors similar to those of natural fur.


To achieve that natural leather look, it is important for the manufacturer to maintain the quality of the faux leather. For this, each and every phase of production must be carefully inspected. Therefore, from the inspection of raw materials to the final finished fibers produced by polymerization reactions, care must be taken to produce high-quality synthetic leathers. Certain physical and chemical tests are performed on the fibers to ensure they meet the required standards. Some of these tests check pH, density, appearance, and melting point. Absorbency, elasticity and resiliency were also tested.
During the manufacturing process, line inspectors check the fiber at various stages to ensure proper size, fiber strength, appearance, and seam quality. In addition to the manufacturer’s own standards, industry and government have also established quality parameters. The government has also set some standards known as L-22 to test fabric properties like pilling, shrinkage, and wear.

is future

Constant experiments are conducted to produce fake fur that is more durable and more similar to natural animal fur. Therefore, the focus is on developing new fibers with a better finish and lower production cost. The beginning of the 20th century marked the revolution in the synthetic fur manufacturing industry. A more specialized and efficient method of production is being developed.

Special animal simulation techniques have recently been developed. One such technique involves simulating long and short hair sections of mink or river otter fur by amalgamating shrink and non-shrink fibers. To get the feel of beaver fur, certain fine and coarse fibers are mixed. As these fake furs are made of synthetic fibers and have a similar texture, color, appearance and better insulation than real fur. Artificial furs are PETA approved.


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