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Use enthusiasm to achieve great things with your speech

Enthusiasm it is an exceptional emotion, interest or devotion. When speaking in public, enthusiasm for the topic will make the speech come alive. It will allow you to capture the attention of your audience. That not only makes you more persuasive or motivating, but it makes you a more interesting speaker.

So your audience wins, they get a wonderful experience and at the same time they learn or receive the necessary information. They get something that will benefit them. You win by achieving the objective of your presentation.

“Nothing great has been achieved without enthusiasm,” Ralph Waldo Emerson

So how do you achieve something great in your speech? How can you create excitement?

To build excitement, as always, first consider your audience.

  • Why does the audience need to hear this?
  • In what unique way will they benefit?
  • Will they see what you see in him for them?

    All the enthusiasm in the world for something people don’t want or need will amount to little in your speech.

    However, if it’s relevant, if it’s real and could benefit the audience, your enthusiasm for the topic will give you an advantage. So get to know your audience and tell them what their information will be of benefit to them.

    get your edge

    How do you get an advantage? You are already speaking for the purpose of trying to get your most sought after answer. Maybe you even have a primary and secondary goal that you want to achieve with your audience. With an enthusiastic presentation, you make the whole more than the sum of its parts. It cannot be stressed enough, it has to be real to truly benefit the audience.

    For any speech or speech you have to make, involve your emotions in the topic. Show your enthusiasm, your interest, your devotion, your passion in whatever your subject is.

    What if they don’t want or aren’t interested in your message? Ahhhh That’s where the unique pre-sale proposition combined with enthusiasm can save the day.

    Your unique pre-sales and excitement proposition

    If you think, “But, I’m not selling anything,” think again. You are introducing a topic or presenting an idea that you want them to buy. In other words, you are selling. Not in the traditional sense of the word, but still selling.

    What is your unique pre-sales proposition?

    Pre-selling means preparing them for the sale or mental ‘buy’ of your message. If you go in knowing they don’t need or want what you’re offering, good salesmanship traditionally teaches you to cut your losses and say goodbye.

    Ask yourself how many times you saw an ad several or dozens of times before you went ahead and bought. The initial ads only planted seeds that needed to germinate before they could grow.

    However, with that knowledge, you propose or create a proposal that will get you heard. The proposition can only be “for their information” with the caveat of what’s in it for them. Why would they need to know what you have to offer?

    On the one hand, the knowledge you are offering them will improve their lives. It will make you better at anything. Your message needs to have that formula and within that formula, enthusiasm. Emotion, interest or devotion to whatever your message.

    In other words, even though the information may not benefit them today, you are so excited about it that you want them to have this knowledge so that it is available to them in the future. No sale, just presale.

    It is based on a very basic philosophy that we follow at The most selfish thing you can do is be selfless, the most selfish thing you can do is serve others.

    When you serve others even when there is nothing for you (or at least it seems that way), you will reap rich rewards.

      a true story June 2006. I recently went to New Hope PA, one of the top 20 places to buy art in the United States. It just so happened that it had also been one of the best places I found to sell my art. More than 14 pieces in a year. Unfortunately, my gallery representation there closed due to retirement. So looking for a new gallery to represent me, I started exploring the city. The first gallery was out of my league. The Hudson School paintings by Charles Rhinehart that (if you’re into that kind of art) would make you drool were at the entrance. They started at $20K. My highest and best only sells for $6K. Introducing myself as an abstract impressionist artist, he asked me to see some of my art. I didn’t think he’d be interested because I’m in the minor leagues and he’s in the majors when it comes to art. During the initial viewing of photos of my paintings, I also shared some art marketing tips with him. I demonstrated it in two pieces that I had in his gallery. Within minutes he had a client to whom he showed this unique feature of a beautiful painting with gold leaf on the paint. The now enthusiastic patron had to rush out for his wife to show him this incredible painting. Howard has probably forgotten more about gallery sales than I will ever know. I, on the other hand, am a student of art psychology. Only recently have high-level in-depth studies been conducted on the subject. Freely sharing my knowledge, even though it seemed useless, provided me with the most sought after answer. I have an appointment to bring my originals and he is considering taking me. He helps people get what they want and you will get what you want. I never even imagined being considered by such a prestigious gallery. Even if he doesn’t take me, it was a wonderful experience and we will probably work together in the future in some way.

    appropriate enthusiasm

    Blind enthusiasm can make you sound like a fan. Although you want to strive for a lively presentation, balance is needed. Don’t get emotional with everything you say. If you do, your enthusiasm will quickly drain your audience’s energy and drive them away. Some parts of your speech will require more, others less.

    In which part of your speech do you present yourself with the most enthusiasm? The places where you want to motivate. The parties you want to persuade. The highlights of what your speech is about. This will encourage your audience to feel the same way you do about what you are saying.

    To believe something new we mentally need a basis for that belief. For example, when performing scientific tests, controls are used. The control group allows you to measure the results and how good or bad they are.

    Your enthusiasm needs a control group of words. In this way, the reality of enthusiasm can be measured against what the audience perceives as their biases or personal reality.

    A word of caution is due here. First about the dark side: blind enthusiasm is called fanaticism. If your devotion or enthusiasm is biased thinking, you will be blind to difficulties, challenges, and objections. Nothing will kill your credibility as fast as bigotry.

    There are times when enthusiasm should be tempered with a somber tone. Some eulogies may not require enthusiasm, others may require it because of the deceased’s wish or enthusiasm for the life you shared.

    Talk of layoffs, bad news and the like will require tempering your enthusiasm. Use good judgment when and where to use it in a speech.

    Use enthusiasm wisely and enjoy the rewards and excitement it brings. Let it flow from the heart. Let it overflow in your words. When appropriate, be enthusiastic!


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