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Ways to massage the breasts

Breast massage is a sensitive topic among licensed therapists (if you’ll excuse the pun). Most therapists would consider touching the breasts during a session to be an absolute no-no and many professional associations specifically decree that performing breast massages could result in disciplinary action.

However, it should be mentioned that there are therapists who do promote that massage of the mammary glands can have a therapeutic benefit.

When someone talks about breast massage, there are probably three areas that could be considered, namely the sensual, the therapeutic, and the self-massage.

Sensual breast massage

I will discuss this topic first (albeit very briefly) as that is probably why so many people (i.e. men) are reading this article. Touching in and around the chest is considered an integral part of foreplay. For both men and women, there is increased sensitivity in this area and even touching the nipples can be extremely stimulating.

For many women, it is easy to provide too much stimulation to the nipples and the mantra less is more may be a suggested recommendation. A light touch of the breasts instead of pinching will lead to a more receptive partner.

Professional breast massage

Very few professional therapists will consider breast tissue massage. There are no muscles in the tissues, so it is not possible to use relaxation and release techniques. However, in and around the area, it is possible (and often recommended) to perform restorative massages or myophasic techniques. For example, tension in the pectoral muscles of the chest is often indicated when people have neck and shoulder problems or headaches. Releasing these muscles can help allow the shoulders to drop back so there is less forward head posture.

However, to carry out this type of body work, especially in women with larger breasts, it is often necessary to work through the breast tissue (although this should not be considered as a breast massage). A therapist should always explain their intentions and any client should have the right to refuse this type of body work if they feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.

Some therapists suggest that professional breast massage can help with lymphatic drainage, and the movements used are generally quite light and gentle.

Some traditional forms of touch therapy such as Lomi-Lomi will also normally include body work on the mammary glands. The strokes used will be fluid, circular without too much force. The nipples should not be touched or stimulated. Interestingly, many women who may be reluctant to have a woman or a man touch their chest find that including the area during a Lomi-Lomi session is surprisingly relaxing and therapeutic. They appreciate being able to touch their breasts without it being for sensual pleasure.

Self massage

Probably the most important of the three topics is self-massage. Many health professionals recommend that women self-massage their breasts on a regular basis so that they can detect any changes from the lumps.

Strokes used should be to promote lymphatic drainage and blood flow. Gentle stroking away from the nipple and gentle stroking can be effective. Never use so much force that it is painful or unpleasant, and if you do it regularly, you will quickly discover what works for you and what doesn’t.

If you detect any changes in the soft tissue of the breast, see your doctor as soon as possible.


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