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What Does a Penetration Tester Do?

Penetration Tester

If you are interested in becoming a penetration tester, you’ve probably wondered what that job involves. This article is designed to provide an overview of the job, including what to expect. If you are interested in this career path, you should first understand the types of jobs available. Some people may be better suited to one type of job than another. While you can still find jobs in this field that require a variety of skills, there are certain requirements that you should look for in a job description.

A background in cybersecurity is a good starting point. penetration testers are often employed by security companies to uncover security vulnerabilities and identify ways to remedy them. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or cybersecurity is typically required, though a WGU bachelor’s degree can be completed in a shorter amount of time. Penetration testers often have extensive work experience and strong knowledge of computer operating systems, security, and related specializations.

Another common method is fuzzing, which is an attempt to find an unhandled error by sending random inputs into a system. This approach allows a tester to access code paths that are less commonly used. Typically, well-trodden paths are free of errors and vulnerabilities. However, errors reveal more information, including direct usable information, than well-tested code paths. To that end, the job description for penetration testers is quite broad.

What Does a Penetration Tester Do?

Typically, a penetration test begins with a reconnaissance phase. An ethical hacker will collect information, gather data, and plan a simulated attack. This process will result in a report detailing the security breach and the remediation measures. Similar techniques are often used in bug bounty programs to reward ethical hackers who report security flaws. Once the pen test is complete, the tester will deliver a report describing the security breach.

Having a formal degree in information technology or computer science can give a penetration tester an edge over other job candidates. Although experience is more important than academic qualifications, employers value experience and technical skills. Taking relevant classes or participating in an accredited program can help a person earn the certification they need to become a penetration tester. If you are not a graduate, you can still qualify for this career. You can also work toward earning a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity and begin your new career as a penetration tester.

Pen testing is a major tool in cyber security. Many organizations depend on penetration testers to protect them from cyberattacks. In fact, a recent IBM report revealed that the average cost of a data breach will be higher in 2021 than it is now. So, what does a penetration tester do? Basically, they try to find vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks and then patch them before hackers can get access to sensitive information.

Pen testing, also known as ethical hacking, is a process wherein ethical hackers try to find security vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems. Pen testing can also be used to evaluate compliance regulations and security policies. It can also be used as a means to evaluate the efficacy of a security policy or an end user’s security awareness. A penetration tester’s job consists of systematically executing simulated attacks against a company’s security systems.


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