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Health Fitness

What to feed an iguana as a pet

Before you consider buying an iguana as a pet, think about how big they grow. They will need a fairly large area for housing, however feeding an iguana is not as daunting as other exotic pets; They are 100% herbivores. That being said, many of the health problems associated with captive iguanas can be caused by a poor diet.

An iguana’s mouth is not designed to chew, tear, or tear its food, so care must be taken when considering what to feed.

There are some commercial foods available for iguanas, but these should not be the main part of the diet. A daily diet should consist of fresh salad, vegetables, and fruits with some additional supplements.

Your iguana’s diet should consist of about 80% vegetables, you can feed a wide variety, but the following should form the base as they have the best nutritional value: kale, green beans, okra, sweet snap peas, squash, and watercress

The fruit should represent around 20%, the best being raspberry, mango, apple, blackberry, banana and papaya.

Other foods that can be given in more moderation include; asparagus, bell pepper, bok choy, alfalfa, celery, cucumber, dandelion greens, okra, mustard greens, parsley, turnip greens, grapes, cantaloupe, peach, pears, strawberry, and watermelon.

Do not feed lettuce as it has no nutritional value and iceberg lettuce in particular should be avoided; iguanas love it and may start to despise other more nutritious foods on offer.

Iguanas have a fairly slow metabolism and require heat, bacteria, and ultraviolet light to digest food. I recommend feeding it in the morning as your pet will be able to digest the food in the warmer daytime temperatures that need to be maintained. Correct heat and lighting are also vital to an iguana’s health, but this will be covered in another article.

MBD (metabolic bone disease) is the main disease suffered by captive iguanas. It is usually due to an incorrect nutritional balance in the diet. Swollen body parts, loss of appetite, and general lethargy are common symptoms. MBD is basically a calcium deficiency and is usually the result of a poor diet, lack of UV rays, and incorrect temperatures. If treated early, most cases of MBD will not lead to long-term health problems, but researching your pet’s needs is the best way to avoid health problems. The correct UV lighting and temperature ranges combined with the correct diet and vitamin and calcium supplementation will ensure that your pet has the best chance of a long and happy life.

Visit iguana foods and supplements to learn more about feeding these amazing creatures.


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