the source of revolution


What you don’t know about recruiting can hurt you

Tired of seeing top network marketers recruiting on a whim and can’t even get someone to watch a company video? In this article, I’m going to talk to you about what you don’t know about recruiting that can hurt you.

I see a lot of people starting out in the network marketing profession and turning around a week later to find that they have already quit smoking. The reason this happens is that they don’t get the results they want quickly enough. Most of the time, they haven’t been able to recruit anyone and are frustrated by it. The problem is, they don’t understand what it takes for people to join their businesses.

Influence is essential

When you want to hire someone, you must have influence over him. If people don’t trust you, your decision, or your business sense, they are unlikely to follow you in business. This can be frustrating for many people because they have no influence.

Is there any hope for someone who has no influence? How are they supposed to build a network marketing business?

If you don’t have the clout to recruit someone to your team, chances are you have someone in your upline who does have the clout. You can use your influence and your resume to help you recruit people to your team. You never have to be the business in your business, but developing your influence is a smart move.


Working with your upline and asking them for 3-way calls and 2-on-1 meetings will help you successfully build your business, so make sure you master the art of building and connecting people so they can get the information and confirmation they need. .


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