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5 Proactive Ways Great Leaders Show Their Value!

While many people continue to be either elected, selected, and/or promoted to some leadership positions, only a very small percentage of them go on to truly be worthy of, consider, leaders! Some falsely believe that their position must be accompanied by considerable respect, etc., the reality is only when an individual consistently demonstrates and proves that they are worthy and deserve to earn the respect of those they serve and represents, wins them in a clear and proactive way, demonstrating its value, and why, it must be followed. In light of that, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 ways proactive, great leaders demonstrate their value to their group.

1. admit mistakes/mistakes; adjust strategy/action and strategic plans: A leader is simply a human being, with the same flaws, who, from time to time, makes mistakes! The mark of true leaders, however, is to be strong, internally (inner strength and fortitude), to admit them, explain them, and proactively modify/adjust their approach, strategy, and actions. For this reason, the best always create action and strategic plans, which include preparations for foreseeable contingencies, and have a Plan A, B, etc!

2. Maintain absolute integrity, even when challenged, etc.: Proactive leadership requires maintaining absolute and genuine integrity, not only in easier times, but also when there are challenges and temptations to do otherwise. It is essential to maintain this behavior/characteristic, especially when challenged and avoided, taking a path of least resistance and trying to justify, avoiding, telling the truth and demonstrating your approach, with your actions (not merely rhetoric) !

3. Meeting of Minds: Only when they constitute, believe in, and guide the individual, will they be more ready, willing and able to follow it! Great leaders prove their worth when they seek common ground, articulate a positive message, vision and mission, and proactively bring minds together for the common good!

4. Common good, no, self-interest: Leading should, and should, focus on emphasizing the common good, both relevantly and sustainably, and never, on that person’s personal/political agenda, and/or self-interest or myopic strategies/actions.

5. Unify / Do not polarize: Unless one proactively emphasizes unity and unification, and avoids polarizing rhetoric and vitriol, one will not gain or prove their real value to the group!

If you expect to be a meaningful, relevant, and trusted leader, who does, in fact, accomplish what is and is needed, you must proactively clearly demonstrate your quality, value, and positive impact, in the immediate and longer term. – Term, sustainability of the organization! Will you be up to the tasks?


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