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7 Questions to Ask Before Writing Your Sell Sheet


A sell sheet is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is much more than just a list of physical facts about his book and a photograph of you and his book. It is a sophisticated and calculated strategic marketing tool that can help you achieve several important goals at once. The following seven questions will help you develop an amazing and powerful sell sheet.

1. What is your goal for this sell sheet?

What is your most important goal? second most important? Third? Answering “selling more books” is too general and simple. So before you answer, you need to understand that a sales sheet is simply a marketing tool. Their ultimate goal is to help you achieve various business, personal, and financial goals, all of which will eventually lead to more book sales. Now think about it for a few minutes before you answer.

For example, do you want me to help you position yourself as an expert who is available to give talks? Do you want to use it as promotional material to make your customers and prospects aware of it, in the hope that they will bring you new business? Want to impress your colleagues with an impressive sell sheet and media kit? Do you want to use it to convince book retailers to buy your book? Now make your list. And don’t hold back.

2. What information will help you achieve your goal?

Start by listing everything you want to include about your book: where your book can be purchased, what is its shelf category (BISG), who is your co-author, author of the foreword, format such as paperback, hardcover or e-book, the number ISBN number, your photograph, a picture of your book cover, the number of pages, the publication date, the size of the book, testimonials, what your marketing plans are for the book, and any other physical features you can think of . Now make your list. And don’t hold back.

3. Who is your audience for this sales sheet?

The people who wrote the book for you and not necessarily the same as the manager of the bookstore. Your book has an audience for which it was written. Your sell sheet also has its own audience. Maybe he’s the book buyer at the public library. Maybe the book buyer from the college bookstore. Perhaps the media representatives and book critics. Maybe buyers from national chain bookstores. Perhaps your own clients. Understanding who will be reading and using your sales sheet will help you when it comes time to write sales copy. Now make your list. And don’t hold back.

4. What can you say to grab the reader’s attention?

Use the top of the page to grab attention with a headline and a few sentences of copy that get to the heart of the matter. What can you say that catches your reader’s attention? What is the “big problem” that your book is helping the reader solve? What is the “big question” that all of your readers need answered? How are you going to help them? Remember, unless you can get their attention and then keep it, they will leave your sales sheet and move on to the next one. Now make your list. And don’t hold back.

5. What benefit will your audience get from reading your book?

This part should already have been completed when you wrote your book. These benefits are probably already on the back cover of your book. But if you haven’t completed this step yet, now is the time to do so. No one will buy your services, or your book, if they don’t understand the benefits they will get from dealing with you or reading your book. How is your book going to help your reader improve their business or personal life? How will your book solve their problems? Now make your list. And don’t hold back.

6. Why should someone buy your book over all the others that are available?

What is your unique selling point? Why are you the one writing this book? Because you? Does your book solve a specific problem? If you do, explain how you do it. Remind the reader of your business and personal problems created by the problem. Make sure you are very clear that it is you who should help them with this. Answer the “what” and “why” questions we all have. Now make your list. And don’t hold back.

7. What do you want your sell sheet reader to do?

In marketing, this part is called a “call to action.” What physical actions are you asking the reader of your sales sheet to take? Do you want them to call you and ask you to speak at their company or speak at a conference? Do you want them to call your book dealer directly and place an order? Do you want them to visit your website and download free information about your company? Do you want them to visit your Amazon author page? You have to be specific here. You must provide the corresponding phone numbers, links, QR code and email addresses. Now make your list. And don’t hold back.


You should now have seven thoughtful lists of all the important information you’ll need to create a powerful, professional-looking sell sheet. It won’t include everything, but you will need it all to help you plan what you need to say. If you must include a lot of this information, try breaking it down into parts that are easier to find, read, and understand. In the absence of photographs, create visual interest and appeal with shapes and colors that complement the book. Good luck.


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