the source of revolution

Lifestyle Fashion

Aluminum is destroying our daughters?

What can make a beautiful girl want to secretly stop eating or cut herself? Naturally, each case has its own context and I do not intend to solve such a complex problem with a simplistic answer. What I’m really asking is why more and more girls are expressing the emotional turmoil of adolescence in these self-defeating ways. I wonder if there is a common thread that could be producing such behavior on a large scale.

We know that aluminum is a toxin that can cause Alzheimer’s and autism, but there are other symptoms of aluminum poisoning that might surprise you. In homeopathic medicine, each remedy has hundreds or even thousands of symptoms that have been carefully cataloged for 200 years. Some of these are from accidental poisonings recorded in the medical literature and some are from homeopathic ‘experiments’ of the remedy made with potentized dynamic versions of the substance. This is done to determine and record the effects of each drug on “healthy people”, in accordance with the law of similars which states that “Like cures like” and is the philosophical foundation of the practice of homeopathy.

In my homeopathic repertoire, or symptom book, I find the following symptoms listed for Alumina:

inconsolable anxiety

Aversion to the company of friends and loved ones.

Confused about own identity

Delusions that the body is larger than it really is

desire to flee

Boring, time goes too slow

overwhelming panic attacks

Fear of own impulses

feel friendly

And a symptom from Samuel Hahnemann himself, who tested this remedy on himself and his colleagues:

Impulse to cut yourself with a knife

In my opinion, this collection of symptoms could definitely describe many adolescent girls who struggle with a destructive and unrealistic body image, low self-confidence, difficult relationships, and most dramatically, a desire to cut themselves off.

But where would someone find enough aluminum in everyday life to develop symptoms?

Aluminum is used in some MEDICINES as an agent to open the blood-brain barrier in cases where the ingredients need to reach the brain to be effective. This is one of the reasons many people are opposed to using it for a different purpose in CHILDHOOD VACCINES: it inadvertently gives the vaccine ingredients direct access to the brain! Another reason is that the aluminum that reaches the brain is never excreted, so even very small amounts accumulate over time, hence the concerns about Alzheimer’s. Even if there is no obvious vaccination damage at that time, it may set the stage for future sensitivity to the presence of aluminum in other products.

After exposure to vaccines, one of the main culprits is ANTIPERSPIRANTS. If you look closely at the labels, aluminum is actually the main active ingredient in all antiperspirants (except the natural rock type). The thin skin of the sensitive underarm area is an ideal place to put something you want to absorb into your body! Most plain DEODORANTS, by contrast, are relatively safe, but they don’t reduce the amount of perspiration, just the smell. Unfortunately, it has become a cultural imperative in North America that women and girls look like they never break a sweat. Also, most deodorants are made with a more masculine fragrance, but there are some suitable for girls and women if you’re looking for a lot.

There are many reasons not to block sweat, but the main one is that it is an important way for our bodies to get rid of toxins. Think about it, if you could take a medicine to stop your bowels moving, it might be convenient, but not very smart in the long run! We need to perspire and we can bathe to keep cool. When it’s hot out or after working out, we may need to wash more often, but we definitely don’t want to trade body odor for any of the above symptoms!

Other common sources of aluminum in our daily lives include cooking in aluminum POTS and pans, ANTACIDS such as Maalox (TUMS is better from this point of view), CANNED FOODS (especially tomatoes due to their high acidity), and TOOTHPASTE (there are many natural available without aluminum).

I do not mean to suggest that homeopathic alumina is the remedy for girls who cut themselves, but we cannot ignore the fact that many of our young women suffer from symptoms that match the above. If we can identify how to avoid the toxic products that we know can produce such a variety of symptoms, we would do well to do everything in our power to make choosing healthier alternatives a priority.


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