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Health Fitness

Become a submission machine with this BJJ-based bodyweight workout

Brazilian jiu-jitsu has become one of the most popular martial arts sects due to the rise of mixed martial arts into the mainstream of American culture. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a form of martial arts that is based on teaching a smaller person how to submit a much larger opponent. BJJ conditioning is similar to wrestling, judo, and other grappling-based martial arts. It takes skill, strength, and stamina to be a successful BJJ practitioner. For conditioning purposes, we will use the Tabata Protocol.

The Tabata Protocol was developed by a Japanese scientist to help condition speed skaters. This protocol has become very popular and has proven useful in fat loss and conditioning for athletes. The basis of this protocol is 20 seconds of intense work followed by 10 seconds of rest. This will repeat eight times to complete one cycle.


Shrimp drill x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Push up x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Pull up x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Burpees x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Triangle Drill x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Push up x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Pull up x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Burpees x 20 seconds
rest x 10 seconds

Base this workout on your current fitness level and BJJ level. If you are a beginner to both, try doing this exercise once, three times a week. Intermission goes through the cycle twice with a 3-4 minute break between cycles. For advanced, try to complete 3 full cycles with 3 minutes between each.

The key to any training program is consistency. Do this BJJ conditioning workout for 4-6 weeks, 3 times a week. After that period of time, you should look to change the exercises due to the adaptation of the human body. Good luck and have fun with it. You’ll be a BJJ submission machine in no time! You will obviously have to train BJJ to improve those submission skills!


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