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Beta glucan perhaps one of the most powerful immunity boosters known to science

Beta glucan is a naturally occurring substance found in baker’s yeast, oats, barley, and various mushrooms. It is recognized by the FDA and given a GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rating. Beta glucan is generally taken on an empty stomach.

To be effective, beta glucan must be processed first, as it cannot be easily used in its natural state. Other than this, it must contain the “proper glucan purity level and 1,3-D / 1,6 molecular bond”.

Health benefits

There have been many documented studies on the health benefits of beta glucan. “Actually, beta-glucan is probably the most powerful immunity enhancer known to science.”

Beta Glucan can boost the immune system, as well as lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Additionally, beta glucan can also fight infection, improve intestinal flora, and help with irritable bowel syndrome, diabetic conditions, ulcers, digestion, tumors, and cancer growth.


“In Japan, extracts containing various types of beta glucan have been used to successfully help treat cancer patients for the past 20 years.”

Beta glucan has antitumor and anticancer properties. A study from the Mayo Clinic, the University of Tokyo, and the University of Wuhan revealed the anticancer activity of beta glucan in cancerous mice. Additionally, a study conducted with gastric cancer patients found that taking beta-glucan made from shiitake mushrooms actually extended their survival times.


Beta glucan has also been found to lower cholesterol, particularly those obtained from oat bran and barley. “Beta glucan is a safe, effective, powerful, proven, and inexpensive way to lower cholesterol levels, yet most people haven’t even heard of it.”

A study was conducted at Syracuse University in New York in which beta glucan was administered to seventy-one men and women with high cholesterol. Bad cholesterol levels were lowered by up to 17%, while good cholesterol levels increased. The one with the best results had a low-fat diet while taking beta glucan supplements.

Beta glucan efficacy

Each and every one of us is different, as is our immune system. The effectiveness of beta glucan does not depend on a higher content of milligrams, but on the response of the immune system to beta glucan.

Apart from this, the effectiveness of beta glucan also depends on the source from which it is obtained, its manufacturing processing, the size and uniformity of the beta glucan particles consumed.

Choosing a beta glucan supplement

So now we know that beta glucan is definitely good for the body. But how do we choose the right supplement with the many brands out there? Well, we can do that by simply going through a supplement’s “report card”, be it calling and asking the company questions about their product, or seeing how much they trust their product, whether they have a money-back guarantee or not. .


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