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Candidiasis Treatment: Yogurt, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Garlic Home Remedies for Candidiasis

When treating thrush for the first time, most patients use prescription or over-the-counter topical medications. But for many people, the infection simply comes back at a later stage. Recurrent yeast infection can occur because these medications only target local symptoms, not the root cause. Many of these disappointed victims have turned to simple home remedies like yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and garlic. Find out here how these home remedies could help your yeast infection.

To understand how yoghurt, apple cider vinegar, and garlic can be beneficial to treat yeast infections, it helps to first know what causes yeast infections…

The culprit is a yeast-like fungus called Candida Albicans that resides in most of us quite naturally. But it usually doesn’t cause any harm because the “good” bacteria in your body keep it in check. However, sometimes Candida fungi can multiply and “overgrow.” When this happens, it causes the symptoms of candidiasis. So any treatment must address the Candida fungus.

And so with the 3 simple home remedies to treat candidiasis; yogurt, apple cider vinegar and garlic:-


Yogurt yeast treatment is a very popular remedy. But it has to be natural, without sugar, without added fruit or dyes. It must also be labeled as containing ‘active cultures’ or ‘live cultures’ or similar. One of these is Lactobacillus acidophilus, which we recognize as a ‘friendly’ bacteria that helps prevent the overgrowth of Candida fungus.

Apply the yogurt directly to the affected area, for example the lips and vulva. For the inside of the vagina, simply dip a tampon in the yogurt and leave it overnight, repeating every night until symptoms subside. Eat yogurt every day to build up the good bacteria in your intestinal tract.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to treat thrush has to be the raw, undistilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar that you get at health food stores and maybe some grocery stores. It contains good things like enzymes, trace elements and minerals etc. It works to rebalance the body’s pH, which helps contain the growth of Candida yeast.

Drink a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of vinegar 3 times a day. Douche your vagina with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 quarts (2 liters) of warm water. Alternatively, sit in a lukewarm bath containing 2 cups of vinegar for about 20 minutes or more. Repeat 2 times a day until your symptoms subside.


Raw garlic is a natural antiseptic full of vitamins and minerals. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is excellent for eliminating the itching and discomfort of fungal infections.

Eat it raw if you can, cooking removes some of its natural potency. Apply a pulp of a raw and peeled clove on the affected area. Internally, insert a peeled clove into the vagina and leave it overnight. Many women prefer to make a tampon by wrapping a bare tooth in muslin or similar and inserting it. Repeat every night until symptoms are eliminated.

These remedies are some of the most popular home remedies that people use to treat yeast infection. But because yeast infection is a complex condition, you need to address not only the symptoms, but also the root cause and underlying conditions, such as diet and lifestyle, that can “trigger” a Candida overgrowth.


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