the source of revolution

Health Fitness

Six weeks to a sexy stomach

Jump-start your exercise program with an abs routine that’s guaranteed to work! Many women come to the gym and ask about “the secrets of training for success.” The big “secret” is that dedication to reaching a goal and self-sacrifice are…

Kissing in a dream is not always what you think

We humans show our affection and love for each other, and our passion through a kiss. A kiss can soothe, calm, and even magically heal – a child will feel so much better after kissing his boo. In many cultures,…

Physical Sample – The Most Intense Workout Workout For Serious Fitness!

So what intense training workout will your body change? As a strength and conditioning specialist, I can tell you with complete confidence that the most intense workouts should include kettlebell swings. Kettlebells are ancient strength and conditioning tools that have…

Six Pack Abs – A Two Step Combination Strategy to Get Six Pack Abs Very Easily

Getting strong abs is not as difficult as you might think. A smart, planned weight loss program with an exercise routine will make your goal easily achievable. There are several diet plans and rapid fat reduction techniques available on the…

How to make your penis grow faster using natural techniques

So you are always thinking about the fact that you may have one of the smallest penises in the room, but you don’t want to take any chances using pills or surgery. You are looking for a simple and healthy…

Treadmill Weight Loss

Losing weight through a good treadmill exercise program has worked for many people, and it can work for you too. Treadmills can be used by almost any age group and by people of any activity level. Treadmills can help you…

How not to destroy your diet during the weekend

Do you find weekends the hardest time to keep up with your nutrition? You know, all those events, dinners, parties and barbecues that happen, do they seem to divert them? Not to worry! I have some great tips to help…

Top 5 Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

A smoothie is a blended sugary drink made primarily from fresh fruits. Others are also made from vegetables. In some cases, a smoothie may have cookies, raisins, peanut butter, or chocolate. Yes, they are sweet, cold, fruity, and delicious, but…

Why do cats knead? An explanation of evolutionary behavior

Have you ever observed your cat “walk” in one place, using alternate legs to press down while in a deep trance state? This is called “kneading” and there are several reasons that cats engage in this seemingly strange behavior. Some…

Cheap Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss

In today’s world, weight loss is a dream that many are striving to achieve. But the question in question remains, what are you doing to achieve that goal? And the question I have for you, “Are you going through the…