the source of revolution


Characteristics of a nerd

DUDE – you’re turning into a fucking nerd …

Read this, you’ll see what I mean, and I’ll show you a great way out … for you to reap the incredible benefits of your glorified hobbies without secretly becoming another Steve Urkel …

Ever wonder what a nerd is? As soon as I say the word, a certain image comes to mind … such as smart, dumb, geek, wears glasses, weak, not masculine, etc.

Actually, I have a 5-part definition of what a geek is:

1. A nerd is someone who is socially out of step, and they don’t have the social acuity to know how they are out of tune with others, BUT – they are aware that they are out of tune and they don’t like it. It makes them self-aware and insecure.

Most nerds can figure out that an obsession with, say, Star Wars … is not “normal.” Fair enough … But breaking random Star Wars lingo on a date? That’s the “social out of tune” that is the hallmark of a nerd.

2. Beyond that, nerds dive into a particular topic. Nerds absorb particular areas and get so absorbed in them that it becomes an imbalance. While they have extensive knowledge in one area, they lack basic general skills, such as social skills, for example, because they have been so deeply immersed in their obsession that those skills have been neglected.

3. Nerds are known to hold onto their obsession while in social situations … They do this to seek refuge because they are not very good and they relax, they enjoy the social environment and they are in the present moment. Smart nerds stick to academia. Star Wars nerds cling to Star Wars. Seduction nerds stick with the seduction community. Personal development nerds cling to personal development …

Nerds “hang on” by constantly talking about their obsession and using “jargon” that only comes from their inner circle of fellow nerds who are in tune with their obsession.

4. Nerds are great at creating a “social disconnect.”. This “attachment” creates a social disconnect with other people. Most people unconsciously know how to get along with other people. When a “normal” person meets a nerd, and the nerd cannot vibrate with him, but instead creates a mechanical life raft out of whatever nerdy obsession he has, then he creates a dissonance in the social environment, and this in his own way time is a twist. for most people …

Every time someone says, “Ugh! You’re a NERD!” It was probably because you were clinging to your nerdy language rather than just vibrating with the other person, and subconsciously other people could sense your clinging and it made them feel uncomfortable.

Nerds are not very good at staying in the present moment with other people and it creates a disconnect. That is why, incidentally, knowing how to “be present” with other people is so important. It is the foundation upon which a healthy emotional bond occurs … As opposed to selfish validation … or being a nerd …

5. Nerds are too busy seeking acceptance from other people to embrace their own nerd.. This is the nerdy “kiss of death” … If you’re going to be socially out of tune, at least have it 100% and be proud of who you are. Most people, no matter how cool they pretend to be, are just as insecure and unsure of themselves as the dumbest nerd.

In this sense, nerds are not much different from ultra cool people, because they are brave enough to stand out from the crowd … except that ultra cool people OWN their uniqueness, and wear it comfortably and with pride. This MAKES them great.

In fact, what is perceived as “Dorky” in a nerd, is “eccentric”, “quirky” or “funny” in a cool guy. Look how Andre 3000 dresses … You would say he looks very nerdy … but no one thinks of him as a nerd, because I OWN his style.


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