the source of revolution

Digital Marketing

Critical Thinking: Why is it so easy for the mainstream media to divide people?

One way of looking at the current age would be to say that it is the age of division, because of how fractured many countries have become. In the not too distant past, countries mainly fought each other and now, some people within countries fight each other.

Although there has been violence and destruction, one of the main ways this occurs is through words. Along with what happens offline in the real world, there is what happens online in the virtual world.

an inharmonious environment

To say that social networks are in a place full of conflict would not be accurate; however, there is certainly a lot of drama going on across different platforms. So while someone might be able to avoid a lot of drama if they’re only connected to certain people/accounts, there’s still a strong chance it could seep into their feed.

There are numerous people and accounts that are against something or someone, and what happens online naturally has an effect on what happens offline. One influences the other and vice versa.

Two ways

Therefore, what happens online does not exist in a bubble; it spreads throughout society. But while it wouldn’t be right to point fingers solely at social media, these platforms have given people the opportunity to express things that, in the past, they would often have kept to themselves or only to people they knew and connect with people who have the same opinions.

With this in mind, to say that social media creates conflict would not be correct, but it does provide an area where it can flourish. However, if social networks did not exist, it is highly unlikely that all conflict would disappear.

the great hoax

Not only are there people of different races fighting each other, but some people of the same race are also doing the same thing. Furthermore, many men and women also fight each other instead of working together.

What these and other conflicts do is create the impression that human beings have less in common than the things that separate them. The things that are different and separate them end up being the main point of focus and the things that are the same and unite them end up fading into the background.


When it comes to why there is so much conflict, and if the effect social media has is left out, it would be easy to point the finger solely at the mainstream media. Over time, these sources have changed some of their goals, but the result is the same.

This source always provides a reason why something is the way it is. It doesn’t matter if you relate to a media source associated with the street press or a media source that is perceived as for those who are ‘educated’, they all have their goals.

perception is reality

Along with the mainstream media, there is also the impact that the entertainment industry, the education system, and even corporations have on who is seen as the enemy and why the world is the way it is. Each of these sources has a different way of hiding what they are doing, allowing them to condition people without their conscious mind suspecting something and questioning what is going on.

The media presents its propaganda as the truth and pretends it is simply ‘informing’ others, the education system can do the same under the umbrella of ‘educating’ people, the entertainment industry can do the same by creating the impression that it is just providing ‘entertainment’, and corporations can do the same through ‘corporate responsibility’. By bypassing someone’s critical faculties, it’s easy to influence them and thus define how they perceive reality.

another angle

Now, to see the mainstream media and the other sources, as the only problem would be the easy option. This source would be the perpetrator and anyone who gets caught up in their divisive messages would be the victim.

But what if there is something more than this? What if there is something in the human mind that causes someone to be drawn to the divisive content this source generates on a daily basis?

a deeper look

Having an ego mind is part of the human experience and this part of them wants to avoid pain and experience pleasure. Furthermore, this part causes them to see themselves as simply passive observers of their reality, being separate from everyone and everything.

With this in mind, when a source says that “filling in the blank” is the reason something is the way it is, it gives someone’s ego mind a reason why their life is the way it is. . This will prevent them from having to investigate what role they might have played, to avoid pain and maintain the illusion of separation, as they will not have played a role in what is happening in their own reality.

A defense mechanism

When someone is unable to face something, they often end up pushing it out of their conscious mind and, after a while, it ends up appearing in their outer world. In other words, what someone is unable to face inside ends up being projected onto the outside world and the result of this is that they can end up being a victim of their own inner baggage.

Ergo, if this were widely known, there wouldn’t be the same desire for an external scapegoat. In general, people would deal with their own ‘dark side’ or ‘shadow’ and this would prevent many people from falling into the trap that the mainstream media and other sources set for them and allow them to experience life differently.

The collective unconscious

Once an individual has gotten something out of their conscious mind, it doesn’t just go to their unconscious mind; it also ends up feeding the collective field. Of course, if human beings were really separate, this would not happen.
If, for example, a large part of humanity is carrying a trauma around being raped, something external will have to manifest that is aligned with that trauma. Then an event or situation could manifest that causes many people to re-experience the experience of being powerless victims.


What this emphasizes is how important self-awareness is, as this is what will allow someone to embrace their own power and not get sucked into the victim/perpetrator dynamic that is so common in today’s world. When someone is in touch with their own power, they will not be interested in having power over others or allowing others to have power over them.

Finally, blaming these external sources for what happens in society is effortless and allows someone to experience an emotional release; what it will not do is allow you to create a different reality. One will come from a place of resistance and what this will do is hold up to what is currently happening.


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