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Crystals and Natural Stones – Their Metaphysical Qualities and Uses

Throughout the centuries, people all over the world have been intrigued by the metaphysical qualities of stones, or more appropriately called minerals. It has been recognized that everything that exists is in a constant state of vibration, and crystalline structures have a particularly stable vibration that resists the influence of other vibrational frequencies.

Minerals, particularly in their crystalline form, promote healing based on the property of vibration or sympathetic resonance. They have very specific points of resonance with one of our seven main energy centers (chakras). The colors of the stones seem to influence the qualities of the vibrations. This is more or less similar to the colors represented by the seven chakras which also coincide with the seven colors of the rainbow. (Crown Chakra – purple, Breath Chakra – indigo, Throat Chakra – blue, Heart Chakra – green, Solar Plexus Chakra – yellow), Sacral Chakra – orange and Base Chakra red). These resonant frequencies create an electromagnetic field.

If we believe that all human beings have interwoven energy bodies (human aura) beyond their physical shell, and that they are electromagnetic in nature, it naturally follows that they can be influenced by the electromagnetic resonance of minerals and crystals.

Diseases and illnesses have been attributed to disharmony in thought patterns, causing irregular energy flow within the subtle (non-physical), etheric, and physical bodies; therefore, prolonged exposure to the positive vibration of the stones can have a healing effect. Apart from their healing effects, minerals also offer protection against negativities and, in a way, bring us good luck.

Amulets and Talisman to ward off ghosts.

Certain stones, especially those of celestial origin, seem to have the power to ward off unwanted or negative energy. These are stones like those in the meteorite family (tektites, moldavites, iron or nickel meteorites) that can actually ward off evil spirits. When carved with images of the Buddha or deities, or when specifically charmed by advanced practitioners, they can be used as very powerful talismans or amulets.

So, it is also believed that wearing certain amulets or talismans would protect you against ghosts. Additionally, some also feel that certain stones, especially the quartz family (white quartz, amethyst, ametrine, citrine, and smoky quartz) may offer the same protection. Other protective stones include diamond, pyrite, hematite, obsidian, black star sapphire, black diopside, and jet. Personally, I understand that stones have a variable degree of electromagnetic radiation. When used on our body, they serve to strengthen the vibration of our body energy, as if projecting a protective shield over us.

A very powerful talisman I have is the Earth Tent (Dichang) Bodhisattva image made of tektite. I also have a bracelet made of pyrite and amber, and I used to take it with me whenever he traveled abroad. In my arsenal, I also have bracelets and pendants made from iron meteorites, and they are also very powerful in warding off negativities. Those moonstones are also believed to be good protective stones for traveling abroad, especially for crossing waters. I always carry a few pieces of tumbled moonstones in my luggage.

For those who are afraid of ghosts when traveling abroad and staying in hotel rooms, you can try to arrange your shoes in the Ying Yang style, one with the sole up and the other in the normal position, at the foot of the bed. .

Amulets and talismans are equally charged with strong vibrations by their creators, both monks and priests, and serve the same purpose as stones. At my level, I am able to magnetize stones and any object to give them stronger radiation using my energization method or by chanting mantras.

spirits in stones

There is a belief that some stones contain memories of the past, while others become a home for some life forms, such as hermit crabs that inhabit the shell after the shellfish have died. My spiritual friend Stella has the ability to communicate with stones and she stated that she often saw mischievous looking creatures residing in some stones. Once I was meditating with a ball of labradorite (a kind of feldspar stone that is opaque with a luminous blue on a gray background) and I saw images of a woman dressed in a Greek robe amid some Roman pillars inside the stone. She had almond shaped eyes and sharp features and she seemed annoyed by my unwanted intrusion. There was another stone, a piece of rhodonite, a pink stone with fillets of black manganese, which I could see images of a dome-shaped structure. I also remembered another case when an old woman handed me a piece of jade that she recovered from the exhumed grave of her long-dead mother, and she asked me if it was okay for her daughter-in-law to wear it. By the time I picked up the jewelry I could feel a painful sensation in my stomach. I asked her if she remembered if her mother had a stomach ailment and she confirmed it. I cleaned the stone for her, but she told me that she had changed her mind about giving it to her daughter-in-law, and instead she decided to keep it in the jewelry box. Jade is said to have the unusual quality of protecting her owner from her. She would break into pieces whenever the user found themselves in dangerous situations; folklore says that she blocks dangers in the name of her owner.

Stones to attract fortune

The Chinese believe that wearing certain stones will bring them good fortune. Jade is the most favored stone ornament not only to bring good luck to the wearer but also offers protection. For those players who are always hoping for a windfall, they can use yellow gemstones: yellow sapphire, topaz or citrine. Some may even carry a pyrite donut along with a dollar coin in their wallet. Green stones are for attracting career-generated wealth, and include not only jade but also emerald, peridot, quartz with chloride inclusions, aventurine, malachite, and amazonite. In addition to being used as semi-precious stones set in rings and pendants, some of the cut stones (aventurine, malachite, and amazonite) can be placed in cash registers to help improve daily profits for retail businesses.

Stones and Feng Shui

Feng-Shui, or Geomancy, is a way of talking about energy as well: energy caused by the landscape, magnetic forces and flows, seasonal fluctuations in energy flows, celestial and planetary influences, and positioning of static objects in the environment, and how the energy of your own body copes with and resonates with all of these energy causes. The western application of Feng-Shui is to bring a series of scientific equipment to a place and test the various forms of energy in the area. If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel the influence of “Feng-Shui” – the good and bad “Chi” – instead of completely relying on the Feng Shui principles practiced by the masters. Since the stones have positive vibrational energy, they can be implemented to improve the Feng-shui of the building if they are placed in the correct position. For example, the left corner of the main room of the house, diagonally opposite the entrance, is considered the position of wealth; To enhance positive energy in this corner, an amethyst geode could be placed. This is a better substitute for putting round-leaved plants there, as traditionally recommended by Feng-shui masters. In addition to placing mirrors or wind chimes in our windows to block negative energy from some ill-formed structures or the landscape in front of our house, we could hang faceted cut crystal balls. Against the sunlight, these faceted balls could reflect flecks of rainbow lights into the house and create a wonderful sight as they look as if they are dancing on the walls.


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