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Arts Entertainments

Did Neil Strauss, author of the game, comfortably destroy the PUA community?

Men have been trying to discover women forever. Countless books have been written on the subject over the years, but none of them seem to work. That was until Neil Strauss recently published, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of the Pick Up Artist. Neil’s best-selling book appears to be the first book that men truly cling to as the savior of the male race.

The book describes Neil’s journey from AFC (average frustrated fool) to PUA (pick up artist). Neil, or Style, as he refers to himself in the book, joins an underground community of PUA wannabes and begins to unlearn everything he knows about women. Once you get rid of your old beliefs, new teachers, gurus, mad and seductive scientists fill your brain with the methods they use.

Mystery, from the Mystery Method, focuses its system on the M3 model. This model includes: attraction of buildings, comfort of buildings and seduction. The mystery creates attraction through the use of DHV (demonstrations of greater value). A DHV could simply be a story in which the narrator displays a certain characteristic that he wants his listener to grasp, or it could be a magic trick, a funny joke, or the way he handles target friends and AMOGs. of the group).

In Neils’ book, he gives quite a few examples of openings, routines, and closings that he learned during his study time with Mystery, David DeAngelo, Ross Jeffries, Juggler, and many other seduction gurus.

Some of the common examples of Neil’s seduction arsenal:

The opinion opener

The cat in a string theory

The best friend test

The cube

The double induction massage

The ESP routine

Deny the target

The kiss close

C vs. U-shaped smiles

While all of these routines are field tested and work, the question is; How long will they survive now that these routines are becoming mainstream? How long before women realize what the man is doing? How long before they’ve heard the exact same opener twice in one night?

Neil Strauss was recently asked this question. This is your answer:

“The fact is, the game will always work. It’s just that some of the words in the scripts may have to change, and that’s only for those who use the scripts to ‘train’.

For instance:

What’s one of the most clichéd flirting phrases in the world?

The most cheesy and cheesy?

That’s right: it’s “What’s your sign?”

If you go up to a girl and say, “What’s your sign?” she’ll know you’re delivering a rehearsed line from some bad 70s tv show.

But guess that? “What’s Your Sign” is almost exactly like the openers and DHV (higher value demos) on The Game.

There was a time when “What’s your sign?” It wasn’t a cheesy way to start a conversation. It was a non-sexual opener: a means of breaking the ice with strangers without hitting them. It was a current, exciting and interesting topic. (As Mystery said, the best talking points are relationships and the unknown.) Also, it was a way of showing courage. Instead of saying “let’s play” (or whatever the jargon was at the time), he was showing that he was spiritual and had interesting insights to offer.

In the parlance of the seduction community, it was a neutral entertainment opener with built-in DHV spikes.

And sure, we all know it’s outdated and cheesy. But isn’t it extraordinary how within minutes of seventy percent of all conversations with women, a discussion about astrology occurs? He will probably ask you, “What sign are you?” And if you know a lot about astrology, it is actually a more valuable demonstration.

(Note to logical, empirical, and factual men: don’t say, “I don’t believe in that nonsense.” Cynicism and negativity are two traits to avoid when meeting a woman, even if you think they make you look “cool.” “)

When I was researching the book, I spent hours in Miami with a PUA named Maddash, who gave me a long tutorial on astrology. He taught me what all the signs meant, what the twelve houses were all about, how to identify astrological trends in people’s lives, and how to determine the compatibility of the signs.

Whether or not he believed in astrology was irrelevant: now he knew a lot about it. And it was a great conversation, connection, and value when I was meeting people.

So the epiphany I had was, “What’s your sign?” STILL WORKS. It will always work.

Everything will always work. If people find out, all you have to do is change the way you say it and maybe when you say it.

For example, if you say, “Hey guys, I need a quick opinion on something,” it indicates that you are delivering a pickup line because women read it in a magazine, don’t worry. Just change it to: “I need quick help resolving a discussion.” If opinion openers no longer work, save the question for later in the conversation. I already have three other types of openings that I have come up with and am waiting for the right moment to pitch. And if I can find alternatives, I have the feeling that YOU can too.

In the big picture, the important thing to remember is: there is no such thing as a pickup line. Language and wording don’t matter. The important thing is the intention behind them. The Jealous Girlfriend opener works not because it’s the Jealous Girlfriend opener, but because it’s a way to start a lively conversation with a group of people without flirting with anyone. So, as long as you can do that, you have nothing to worry about.

Knowledge will not change the fundamentals of how women and men attract each other. To make a bad comparison: men who like large breasts tend to prefer women with fake breasts; They don’t even care that they are NOT REAL. They still activate the same attraction switches as the natural ones. “

So obviously Neil thinks it’s the PUA’s responsibility to keep evolving. I could not agree more. I’m pretty stunned when I’m in a bar and I hear a guy recite a word-for-word line that he learned from a book. It is one thing to learn principles and develop them with your own personality and experience and another thing to be a social robot.

Websites like TSB Magazine get tens of thousands of hits every day. I can only hope that the men browsing these sites are seeking education on a deeper understanding of attraction and seduction, and not looking for word-for-word lines to say to women in a bar.


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