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Historical background of football

Soccer is the king of all sports, it is a sport that combines strength with intelligence, courage and elegance, attracting many young people, who try to copy their idols they see on television. In addition, they feel happy that they can achieve performance in such a domain.

Soccer is a collective sport that is played between two teams made up of eleven players, each of whom tries to get the ball into the goal, hitting it with their foot or with any other part of the body, except their arms. This sports game is one of the phenomena of our era and we can admit that it is the most appreciated sport that is practiced today. This sport was first mentioned in England in 1175. The French used to play a similar game called “La soule” and the Italians used to play “Il giuoco del calcium”.

The first details regarding football appeared in England in 1602, when there were two games of this type. Starting in the 18th century, the English began to play rugby, forcing players to kick the ball, which led to the name it has today.

October 26, 1863 is the date on which the first football association and the first regulations were created, with thirteen articles referring to the rules of this sport. In 1904 FIFA was founded, which brought with it a series of changes in the regulations of this sport. In 1930, FIFA organized the first World Championship, which took place in Uruguay.


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