the source of revolution


World Changers 101: A call for teens to radically live for Christ

“When I grow up, I want to be a doctor,” he said. Like many children, the seven-year-old “me” had my future set. Six years later, that dream came to an abrupt halt when, while sitting in college biology class with a pounding headache and pain in my note-taking hand, I decided a left-brained career wasn’t for me.

Like most kids, I’ve been hearing the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” since I was three years old. We live in an educated society where achieving the “American Dream” is the ultimate goal. I started working towards that goal even before I was in high school. In fact, I even enrolled in university courses at the age of fourteen. But I was so absorbed in preparing for my personal future that I was forgetting something else that was even more important: the world around me that needed my help in the present!

Many look at us teenagers and see the adults of tomorrow who will fit in well in society without making much noise. But I see today’s leaders. The missionaries of today. The teachers of today. Today’s world changers… that is, if we rise to the challenge.

“World Changers?” You can ask. You may think that it is quite a difficult task. Forks. But do you really believe that God placed us on this planet so that we could sit back and let it go on the same? Do you really believe that He gave us our skills, talents and resources that we have so that we could make ourselves happy? Hell no!

So why am I trying to get this message across to teenagers? After all, isn’t this a job for adults? Again…hell no! Teenagers have the ability to have as big or even bigger impact on the world than adults! And because? Because we are not exactly expected to “make a difference.” The world expects us to be bratty kids who sit around, play video games, and only care about our friends and how we look. When a teenager steps out to change something, people often can’t help but stare in awe. Imagine the amazing things we can do for the glory of God if we are willing to accept this challenge!

This idea can make you uncomfortable…especially if you’re shy and hate attention! I feel very comfortable on a stage, no matter how big the crowd is. But others are not, and I get it! Not all of us are called to be orators or politicians. Our gifts are all different and there are many different ways we can use those gifts to change the world. But we must also remember that sometimes our comfort zones are too restrictive and God is calling us out of them. Jesus is calling us to live radical lives for Him… not comfortable ones. Nobody has changed the world from an armchair!

On the other hand, don’t forget that God has placed adults in our lives—parents, pastors, and other spiritual leaders—to help and instruct us. As powerful as we are at our age, we still need your wisdom and input!

So, do you want to join this great effort? Here are some ideas to get you started. Just remember that you don’t have to stop at these. The sky is your limit!

1. Find a few younger kids to be one-on-one mentors. I can’t stress the impact of this one enough!

2. Pop your little bubble and make friends with the kids who usually cower in the shadows. Go have lunch with that kid everyone else thinks is weird. Yeah, people might think you’re not cool, but guess what? You will change lives and I guarantee you will gain some very close friends in the process!

3. Begin to use your talents to share the gospel. The impact that actors, writers, artists, film producers, musicians, athletes, etc. Christians have had in the world is incredible.

4. Work in the children’s ministry of your church. Children are impressionable: they need the example of older children who live their faith!

5. Get involved in behind-the-scenes work for the campaigns of righteous politicians seeking public office.

6. Start a Christian club at school or a Bible study at home.

7. Start speaking in public and find opportunities to speak about causes and issues that will make a difference. It’s amazing how quickly a crowd is drawn to a young man behind a podium.

8. Start fundraising efforts to build a water well for a village in Africa or India (or other international mission projects).

9. Get involved in local mission work.

10. Invite a group of children to watch a great movie that clearly shares the gospel. Be sure to advertise free food, that will always draw a crowd!

11. Distribute gospel tracts. Everywhere.

12. Learn to witness to strangers. Then do it.

13. Learn to become a leader in group settings. Remember, the best leaders are those who lead by example.

Now go get them, tiger!


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