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How to make him regret leaving you: tips to make your man fall in love with you again

The pain of rejection is not really comparable to anything else. It is such a deep emotional sting and for many people it also manifests itself in physical symptoms. If the man you love has told you that he doesn’t want to be with you anymore, you’ve probably been suffering from anxiety, sadness, and confusion. Getting it back may seem impossible at the moment, but it’s actually a lot easier than most women think. If you want him to regret leaving you and begging you to withdraw, there are some steps you should start taking now.

To make him regret leaving you, you have to show your ex boyfriend why you are the woman of his dreams. All men yearn to be with a confident, self-assured, emotionally strong, and mature woman. If you walk up to him right after the breakup when you’re crying and beg him to take you back, he won’t even consider it for a second. He will see you as nothing more than an emotional wreck who is desperate. That doesn’t appeal to any man, not even one who was in love with you at some point. However, if you show him that you are strong enough to handle the breakup, you are well on your way to getting him back.

You also have to let it go for now if you hope to get it back. If you want him to regret ending the relationship, you should also reject him. Many men end a relationship with the full knowledge that the woman they were with still loves them. They take comfort in that and really believe that they will have that relationship to turn to if they can’t find someone new. You cannot afford to be in that position with your ex. Tell him that you are okay with the breakup and then go away for a while. Use the time right after the breakup to fully focus on yourself. Pamper yourself, pamper yourself and do the things you love. Your newfound happiness will shine through and as soon as he realizes that you are fine without him, he will reconsider his decision to end things with you. Men are always chasing things that are hard to come by, so he becomes unavailable and may just want you to come back.


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