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how to write erotica

They say you should write about what you know. But, when it comes to erotica, you may have to waive this rule. Unless you have a wide range of personal experience to draw on, you’re going to have to ask someone who does, get a stack of best-selling erotica books to read, go online and educate yourself, or make an educated guess about what might happen. in many of the scenarios you write about.

What is erotica?
Before we get bogged down in what eroticism is, let’s see what it is not. And the biggest mistake writers make when trying to write erotica is thinking it’s porn! It’s not, it’s much more subtle than that. Pornography is about giving graphic details of sexual acts, the heart of the matter, if you will. Erotica concentrates on the emotional and psychological aspects, leaving the details to your own imagination. So now that we know what to avoid, let’s see what good erotica should be.

1. As exciting as any other story!
Just because you’re writing erotica doesn’t mean you can ignore the plot. In addition to having great sex scenes, there should also be the usual elements of a gripping story, including well-written and complex characters, a page-turning plot, and the usual conflicts between antagonist and protagonist. If you don’t include this, no matter how good the sex scene is, your readers will turn off.

2. Choose your settings carefully.
Most people, given the choice, would have erotic encounters in a luxurious setting, such as on an exotic moonlit beach, in a playboy’s penthouse (think ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’), or in the sumptuous setting of a five star hotel. . Of course, this is not always the case, and often the choice of unusual locations, such as an illicit date night at the office or a chance encounter in a secluded forest, can offer highly erotic situations. However, dirty or squalid conditions are not really conducive to eroticism, so avoid them.

3. Power is a wonderful aphrodisiac!
Think ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ again! So try to weave this into your plot. And don’t always think that it has to be the man who exercises power over the woman. You can also explore the realms of sadomasochism and total submission if you think you can confidently write about that kind of experience.

4. Stay away from taboo topics
Be careful with taboo topics. Most erotica editors will specify what is and what is definitely not acceptable. The unacceptable stack usually contains the theme of rape, incest, extreme violence, necrophilia, sex with minors, and bestiality, really not that surprising! The acceptable stack will generally include mild BDSM and bondage, role-playing, and gay sex, so you’ll have plenty to do.

5. Be credible
While it can be tempting to have your partner in love all the time, is it really believable? After all, we all need sleep, so keeping your characters up all night, every night, would make them pretty useless during the day, they’d be knackered! Likewise, the scenarios of love encounters must be realistic. No matter how strong the pull, it’s unlikely that anyone would want to rip their clothes off in the middle of a crowded park in the afternoon.

6. Be explicit, but not too explicit.
When it comes to describing an act and the body parts used to perform it, you want to make sure you’re not being too polite; after all, it is erotic, so readers will expect to read something that will turn them on. the necklace. However, be careful not to overdo it. If it’s full of sexual slurs, use, or gets too graphic, it’ll come off as sleazy!

7. Use a pseudonym
If you feel like trying to write erotica but don’t want others to know you’re doing it, use a pseudonym. Many authors do this, and it’s perfectly acceptable when you want to keep parts of your writing separate.

8. Play with the era!
The era of your story can create some intriguing situations, and historical settings are very popular in erotica. It’s really not surprising, since you could have your characters in fabulous ball gowns, attending a masquerade ball in a luxurious country house. I’m sure they would get up to all sorts of mischief! And, there will be many wonderful descriptions for you to learn: Basques, stockings, corsets, whips, stables, labyrinths, and wigs are some of the interesting things that come to mind. But you can also think about eroticism in future scenarios. How would the sexual act be performed, think of Demolition Man, where the sexual act is contactless and performed using virtual reality? How would that feel?

9. Don’t think it’s easy!
To think that writing erotica is easy is nonsense. It is, indeed, one of the hardest genres to write about, but when you do it right, it’s wonderful and you could end up with a bestseller on your hands.

So there you have it. Now go and write erotica!


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