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Thimbleberry is the famous plant native to Oregon

Thimbleberry is a famous species of plant found in various parts of Oregon and grows from sea level in the north to an altitude of 8,000 feet in the south. The size of the bush reaches up to 2.5 meters and the diameter of 1.5 centimeters. The physical description can be further explained with no spines present in this plant species compared to other plant species present in the parent Rubus species. The leaves are palmate in nature and have a smooth texture reaching up to 20 centimeters in size. They produce flowers of the tallest shape and size of the Rubus species.

The fruit produced ripens in the late digest as bright red and is used for edible purposes. The final fruit product is not an exact replica of a berry, but rather a mix and match of various drupes. These drupes can be easily removed and the final fruit is a hollow berry product much like a thimble and thus the name of the plant is derived from this characteristic. The plant grows in large numbers along roadsides, railway tracks, and in dense forest areas. Plant displays have a unique look and fresh feel quite different from their counterparts and are extremely popular in the US and European countries.

Thimbleberry fruits are large, smooth, and flatter in shape than other berries; however, they are not used as a raw fruit to eat because they are too soft to be canned and are therefore widely used in jams. These jams are prepared and often served as a local delicacy in the United States in certain parts. Due to its softness, the jam making procedure is carefully planned and executed. The same volume of berries and sugar are mixed with water and boiled for 2 minutes to cool them down and can be packed for instant use.

Being one of the famous native plants of Oregon, they are used in the preparation of various medicines and vaccines and serve a dual purpose as an edible and medicine preparation material. Planting of these species is achieved by segmenting and planting dormant rhizome and stem cuttings. Due to their mild nature, they are harvested for commercial use as soon as they mature and stored under ideal conditions. The drupes are never removed until commercial production is underway because the fruit can be dried immediately. Few versions of these species are also used to build ornaments because they are fragrant and have an attractive pimple and radiance.


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