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Indoor plants that purify the air in your home and office

Scientists have investigated the effects of indoor plants on humans. In a 2008 study, conducted with Dutch researchers, plants were placed in hospital rooms to see if they could determine any medical or emotional benefits from having plants; the results were intriguing. The study found that patients who had indoor plants reported experiencing reduced levels of stress during their stay compared to patients whose rooms did not have live plants.

The NASA Clean Air Study was led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the results showed that having live plants in a room improves the atmosphere, provides stress and tension relief, and promotes stress reduction. . Additionally, certain species of houseplants have been found to clean and purify the air of household toxins ranging from cleaning solutions to automobile gasoline. Other common indoor air pollutants include formaldehyde and benzene.

Exposure to formaldehyde irritates the eyes, nose and throat can cause headaches and allergic contact dermatitis and has been linked to asthma. Benzene irritates the eyes and skin. Indoor air pollution is often caused by the use of personal care products, pesticides, and household cleaners. Biological sources like insects, pests, molds, and other fungi also contribute to overall air quality. The benefits of clean, healthy air make indoor plants perfect to add to any décor.

NASA ranked indoor plants for their ability to clean the air, as well as the amount of care they require. You can compare and choose the plants that best purify the air and suit your lifestyle. In the list below, you will find that indoor plants will be decorative at different levels of care. They are very effective in cleaning toxins from the air while increasing the oxygen level.

# 1 – The Aloe Plant – The Aloe plant is known for its healing gel, but it is also an excellent air cleaner that specializes in chemical cleaning solutions, and the spikes turn brown with excessive contaminants. Aloe is very fond of the sun and is easy to care for.

# 2 – The Boston Fern – The Boston Fern – rates with a certain level of care because they like to be sprayed with water several times a week. They grow rapidly and are at the top of NASA’s list for clean air.

# 3 – English Ivy – English ivy is ranked NASA’s number one air filtering houseplant because it efficiently absorbs formaldehyde. It is easy to grow in moderate temperatures and medium sunlight.

# 4 – Rubber Tree: If you want to fill a larger space, try a rubber tree. It has excellent purifying properties and thrives in low-light areas, making it easy to care for and a beautiful addition to your space.

# 5 – Snake Plant: The perfect plant for your bedroom is a snake plant because they thrive in little water and light. Snake plants emit oxygen at night and absorb carbon dioxide.

# 6 – Gerbera Daisies: For a pop of color, a flowering plant like Gerbera Daisies will work, but they require more care. Gerbera daisies will add beautiful color to a desk or planter interior, while efficiently removing formaldehyde and other toxins from the air. Florist mothers and azaleas will work too.

# 7 – Palm Trees: Palm trees are at the top of NASA’s air detox list and add ambiance to the corner of any room. Palms are excellent air purifiers and very easy to care for; they like indirect sunlight and lots of water. Some effective varieties are Bamboo Palm, Dwarf Date Palm, Areca Palm, Parlor Palm, and Lady Palm.

On average, we spend 90% of our time indoors. With this checklist of living air purifiers, you’re ready to add some living decor and reap the benefits. You and your children will enjoy watching your indoor plants grow while enjoying a toxin-free environment. Add as many plants as you want because you will multiply the benefits, so that you and your family enjoy better health.


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