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Low testosterone effects

Low testosterone levels can affect you without your knowing it. By knowing the effects, you may be able to understand what is suffering from it and take effective steps to prevent damage. Read all about it in this article.

Low testosterone: how do you know?

In case you are exercising enough and still have a lot of time to build your muscles, it could be due to the fact that you might have low testosterone in your body. It may not be the only reason, but it may be one of them. If at the same time you feel tired and feel a reduced sex drive or general weakness, it is time to go to a doctor and get tested for low testosterone levels. Your doctor may order a testosterone count and prescribe medication for it.

When you are most vulnerable to low T

When you’re at peak health, you may not be as concerned about the effects of low T, but when you cross the age of 35 to 40 you can start to feel the pinch. The first indication will come from reduced sex drive (and it may be a complaint from your spouse) and you may start to feel less energetic.

What about women?

Women are also vulnerable to a low testosterone count. Estrogen in women is responsible for maintaining feminine features and a small amount of testosterone is present in the body of all women. The level of T in men is of the order of 350 and 1230 nanograms per deciliter. (A nanogram is 0,000,000.001 of a gram and a deciliter is 100 milliliters.)

The T level in women is less than a third of the amount in men. With increasing age, estrogen (which has a controlling role in women’s lives) decreases and low testosterone levels begin to affect women’s lives and explain the changes in the mood of menopausal behavior of women. So women are just as vulnerable as men, but the effect is more pronounced in old age.

How does low T affect you

Low T can affect you in many ways. The main ones are

1. You may feel a reduced sex drive. Reduced sex drive is more pronounced in men than in women.

2. When you play sex games, your erection may be less strong than it used to be and may last less time than in the past.

3. You may feel a lack of energy to do your normal work. This is despite the fact that their work does not require physical efforts.

4. Your mood keeps changing throughout the day and violent mood swings become the order of the day for you.

5. Men who have been on the testosterone replacement regimen experience mood swings when treatment is stopped and modulation changes stop when treatment is resumed.

6. Your muscles may lose the tension they used to have.

7. Your job performance could also decrease to some extent.

8. Your performance in your favorite sport is not the same as in the past.

When you feel the effects like the one mentioned above, it’s time to see a doctor and get tested for low T. If you do, you can revert to the same shape you had in the past.


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