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Pau D’Arco A Natural Antibiotic and Powerful Antifungal

We can be grateful to the American Indians for a multitude of herbal and natural medicines. Pau d’arco has been used as a medicine by the indigenous people of the rainforest. The Pau d’arco tree is a broadleaf evergreen that grows to a height of 125 feet and produces purple flowers, which is why it is often called a “trumpet tree.” It grows well in Peru and Argentina high in the Andes. It can be found growing in the lowlands of Paraguay and Brazil. Its use goes back in history to before the Incas. The pau d’arco tree was used to make hunting bows and as a medicine. The indigenous people observed that when the tree was alive and even after it had been cut down, it never developed mold, fungus or fungus.

The Guarani and Topi Indians refer to the tree as “tajy”, which means “to have strength and vigor”, that is, good health. Tribal healers peeled the bark off the tree in long strips. They then separated the inner and outer layers and used the inner layers. bark to make healing teas. Pau d’arco has crystalline oxygen infused into its inner bark, which is rich in iron, calcium, selenium, vitamins A, B complex, and C., magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These nutrients in pau d’arco give it an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal action that stimulates the immune system and fights diseases. The indigenous peoples of South America have used pau d’arco to treat malaria, anemia, colitis, respiratory problems, colds, coughs, flu, fungal infections, fever, arthritis and rheumatism, poor circulation, skin rashes, and diseases of sexual transmission.

Lapachol, which is a phytochemical, is present in the inner bark of pau d’arco trees and has been documented as an effective natural medicine for use in the treatment of abscesses and tumors. However, for it to be used to treat conditions such as cancer, the amount of lapachol, found in pau d’arco, required to provide an effective dose would be toxic if used as a treatment alone. However, it can be used along with other cancer treatments. Pau d’arco is administered free of charge by the Argentine government to cancer patients and also to leukemia patients due to its blood purifying qualities and because it is known to reduce pain caused by cancer and its treatment is due to the anti-inflammatory effect of pau ‘d’arco.

Pau d’arco contains selenium, which is one of our body’s natural defenses against fungal infections, both vaginally and for topical skin treatment. Its antifungal action helps in the elimination of candida. Due to its antifungal properties, it is useful in fighting the fungus that promotes athlete’s foot and other fungal skin infections. It has also been shown to be effective in treating other infections such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, strep throat, and dysentery. Pau d’arco has a cleansing capacity, making it very useful for relieving intestinal infections, destroying parasites, and restoring colon health. A number of infection-fighting substances known as naphthoquinones appear to kill certain disease-causing bacteria, without killing beneficial bacteria. This makes it an excellent natural antibiotic.

As a preventative, pau d’arco has been shown to help build our immune system by stimulating disease-fighting macrophages. Pau d’arco has a high iron content that contributes to the elimination of waste, the assimilation of nutrients and increases the supply of oxygen to the necessary areas of the body. Helps improve hemoglobin and red blood cells. Therefore, it can be used to relieve chronic fatigue. The blood-cleansing qualities of pau d’arco make it an excellent antiallergic, antirheumatic, astringent, and cardiotonic. It is also often used to balance high blood pressure. Helps tone, balance and strengthen the heart. Pau d’arco helps to neutralize poisons that affect the liver, thus assisting the liver in its blood-cleansing function. By improving the health of our blood and its flow, we greatly increase the effectiveness of our immune system.

Pau d’arco is very useful in the treatment and relief of colds, flu, herpes and hepatitis due to its antiviral qualities. Thus, it is an excellent alternative or synthetic prescription or over-the-counter cold and flu “treatments” that often only suppress the symptoms without actually curing the cause or can carry the risk of unwanted, sometimes harmful side effects. eg drowsiness etc.

With our concerns about the unwanted side effects of prescription antibiotics, i.e. destroying beneficial bacteria or becoming ineffective due to bacterial mutation, we can find in pau d’arco a powerfully effective natural antibiotic alternative. As with many natural health care remedies, pau d’arco has many general health care benefits beyond its specific intended purpose. For example, if we use pau d’arco to relieve a cold, we will also benefit from its purifying action on our blood and liver, fight against candidiasis, eliminate intestinal parasites, etc. We also benefit from its general immune building properties while treating a specific health condition. Once again, we benefit from the experience and wisdom of indigenous peoples, who discovered and developed the use of pau d’arco, another of Nature’s powerful gifts, a natural antibiotic.


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