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Penis Enlargement Exercises: Stretches, Squeezes, and Jelqs for a Bigger Penis

There are many different types of penis enlargement exercises that you can consider if you want to get a bigger penis in the long run. This article will focus on easy stretches, squeezes, and jelqs that are known to be highly effective in getting this particular job done.

In terms of penis enlargement exercises, gentle stretches can easily stretch the ligaments of the penis necessary to produce a longer penis in the long run. For an easier way to do this stretch, be sure to start with a semi-erection. After that, circle your manhood behind the tip with an OK sign and then pull down for a count of 30. You can also quickly flex your manhood while doing this stretch, to make it stronger.

Once you hit 30, grab your manhood at the base and quickly shake it 30 times until it relaxes completely. Then do the exact same sequence again, but pulling to the left, then to the right, and then outward, each time quickly flexing your manhood.

If you are a beginner in the world of penis enlargement exercises, it would be best to start with a very light pulling pressure. As you go, keep increasing the pressure so that you have to push yourself hard for a good stretch at the end of the first month. However, this shouldn’t hurt in any way. A great way to get more leverage as time goes on would be to sit back and grab your manhood with an OK sign while gripping the end of your chair with the rest of your fingers. This will give you the best stretch of your life!

Long penis squeezes are also great penis enlargement exercises. To do this, simply grasp your manhood at the base with an OK sign placed deep inside your body. Squeeze your Kegel muscles and then squeeze the OK sign along your shaft until your penis is completely engorged. When this happens, the veins in your penis should bulge out and the tip of your penis should look a bit shiny.

Hold the squeeze for about 30 seconds and then move your hand up an inch to exert more pressure. Once the 30 seconds are up, release your grip and shake your manhood for several seconds. After that, get another boner and do it all over again.

However, keep in mind that you must contract your Kegel muscles with each squeeze if you want maximum blood force. By putting maximum pressure on your manhood, you can force more blood into your penis overall. However, be sure to be careful when doing this. After all, you don’t want to inadvertently damage your penis while doing penis enlargement exercises.

If you ever see little red spots on your manhood or feel any kind of pain, just stop doing your exercises until they are gone in a few days. Although these spots are completely harmless, you should never feel pain when doing penis exercises; remember it.

Jelqs are also common penis enlargement exercises. To do them, all you need to do is get a semi-erection and have a little lubrication on hand. Hand lotion, olive oil, and baby oil would be great options for this.

Once you’re ready, grab your penis by the base with an OK sign and then push the sign towards the tip with enough force to send a lot of blood towards it. Release the OK sign and do the exact same thing with your hands, continually changing until you’re done. However, naturally, you can also take short breaks between jelqs. Have fun!


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