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Health Fitness

physical fitness first

Whatever your reasons, it is to be commended, but how exactly does one go about getting in shape? Well here are some suggestions to improve your physical health and lifestyle. With each suggestion there are advantages and disadvantages, some will work for some people and some will not, try to decide what works best for you and your circumstances.

Join a gym – This is a pretty obvious place to start. In a gym you have a variety of methods to get fit, whether aerobically based or based on muscle tone, you will find that this is a great place to start. At a gym you can get the help of a professional who will guide your fitness while keeping your eyes well trained on your progress. However, while a gym is a great way to get in shape, it is also very expensive and can be time consuming.

Running – a great way to get fit and practically free! If you want to start running, a word of caution, running can cause injury. You must follow routines and have good quality footwear. Running on asphalt is usually more comfortable, but it can hurt your knees, so try to run on grass if possible, or better yet, on the beach if this is an option. When you start running, do it slowly and increase the distances over the weeks. Start by jogging slowly for 5 minutes, as your fitness increases you can run more and at a faster pace. Do not overexert yourself as this will cause injury. Experts recommend doing a full run on the first day, half the distance on the second day at a slower pace, this relaxes the muscles and reduces the chances of injury. Then on the third day, rest. You can then start the cycle again. This is a great way to improve fitness and will really improve your stamina.

Swimming – Possibly the best way to get fit! Swimming tones your whole body and gives all your muscles a great job. The great advantage of swimming is that it is almost impossible to get injured. Many people swim to recover from injury, and this can be a great way to build up worn-out muscles. Similar to running, don’t overdo it and take a day to rest regularly so you don’t exhaust your muscles. Again, start slow and build up distances as your fitness level increases. The only real downside to swimming is that you need somewhere to do it, some people may not have a pool nearby so this could be a problem. Otherwise, swimming is a great fitness booster.

Aerobics – Something that is not as popular as before, but is still a very good way to get fit. Whether you’re joining a class or doing it in the privacy of your own home, this is a great way to get fit. It is a low-impact activity, so again the danger of injury is minimal. Buying DVDs to watch and follow fitness programs is very helpful and can really improve muscle tone and overall fitness. The only possible downside to aerobics is that if you want to get super fit, it tends to be limited. You’ll probably also need to do something else to take your fitness to the next level.

Cycling – Another great low-impact activity that can really get you in shape. After you buy a bike it’s pretty much free and as you increase the distances you ride you get to ride some cool places which makes for an enjoyable activity. The risk of injury is low, unless you fall, then this can be a real hazard. But if you cycle sensibly and safely, you shouldn’t have any problems and you’ll find that cycling is a wonderful way to increase fitness levels.

Sports: This is one that many people practice. Some people find running or swimming boring since you can be alone. They need the thrill of competitive gaming to get them excited. Playing sports on a regular basis is a great way to get in shape. However, depending on the sport, there is generally a higher risk of injury. Some sports are obviously better than others for improving fitness, but if you enjoy your sport, you are more likely to stick with it and improve your condition.

Lifestyle changes – Sometimes it can be just walking in places you normally drive. Bike to work instead of taking the bus. Making an extra effort to get out and walk is a very simple thing but it can really help you improve your physical condition. Obviously, walking a mile a day won’t get you in shape, but it’s a great place to start.

The little things: Most of the ways I have mentioned represent changes in your life and a lot of effort. But there are simple things you can do that will improve your fitness. Don’t go up the stairs, run! Dance while you prepare your morning coffee. Do some star jumping while you cook your dinner. Just be more active in everything you do. If you work at a desk tap your feet for a bit, any kind of movement will increase your fitness level, even just a small amount, anything helps.

So there is a list of some ideas. There are many other things you can try, but these tend to be the best and most affordable options for most people. You may find that some of the suggestions aren’t for you, but somewhere most people will find something that works for them. Another great suggestion is to mix and match. Running one day, swimming another, walking to work another, a mix of activities is great as it will work your muscles harder and be more interesting. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best in your quest to stay in shape. Building up your fitness, even just a little bit, will lead to a feeling of more self-confidence, better health, and a sense of accomplishment. So it pays to make that decision and get in shape.


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