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Digital Marketing

Social bookmarking for insurance agency web marketing

Let’s start with a simple definition of social bookmarking, then discuss how it can be used as a component of your insurance agency’s web marketing plans.. Social bookmarking allows Internet users (and insurance agencies) to organize, store and manage online resources, similar to bookmarking pages in a book for use at a later date. Unlike the old bookmarks, and like everything else on the Internet, these bookmarks can be easily shared and distributed. Descriptions can be added to bookmarks, so users can peruse the content (of the succinct descriptions) without requiring a download. These descriptions can include votes (good or bad), comments, or tags (metadata). Think of tags in terms of keywords, short and relevant phrases related to your target audience.


Social bookmarking users can save web page links they want to share. These links are usually public and can be viewed chronologically, by category or tags, or through a search engine. I like social bookmarking for some elements of asynchronous collaboration solutions, which allow users to share topics based on a category, project, etc. Collaboration systems allow users to subscribe to a source of information, much like social bookmarking services that provide web feeds for their bookmarking lists and tag-organized lists. Arguably, social bookmarking is a simplistic type of asynchronous collaboration. Feeds or subscription functionality allows users to learn about new bookmarks as other users save, share and tag them. Collaborating with and managing these tags can be called “folksonomy.”

What is folksonomy?

Folksonomy is a classification system created to manage tags to categorize content derived from a consensus of users. Insurance agencies may think of folksonomy in terms of metadata and tags used on your insurance agency’s website and tag clouds that could be used on your insurance agency’s blog. Simply put, tagging allows users to collectively classify and find information. For example, blogs often include tags and their associated tag clouds as a way to help visualize tags in a folksonomy. Folksonomy helps us in other ways too. One of the inherent advantages of social bookmarking is the human factor, which allows users to determine the relevance of content rather than deferring to search engine bots that automate the same process. By sharing, tagging, voting, and describing content, users can better determine whether the content is truly applicable to their needs, and computer errors or misclassifications can be eliminated from the formula.

Most popular sites

The top social bookmarking sites ranked by eBizMBA include (estimated monthly visitors):

  1. Twitter: 200,000,000 monthly unique visitors, Alexa Rank 9.
  2. digg: ​​25,100,000 monthly unique visitors – Alexa Rank 139.
  3. StumbleUpon: 17,500,000 Monthly Unique Visitors – Alexa Rank 112.
  4. reddit: 16,000,000 monthly unique visitors – Alexa Rank 135.
  5. Delicious: 5,500,000 Unique Monthly Visitors – Alexa Rank 342.

Others include tweetmeme, FARK, Slashdot, friendfeed, clipmarks, newsvine, and diigo.

Practical use for insurance agency web marketing

Why should your business care about social bookmarking? Social bookmarking offers several business web marketing opportunities:

  1. Organize and distribute your relevant content
  2. Drive traffic to your insurance agency’s website
  3. Improve your presence on the Internet
  4. Improve SEO of insurance agencies
  5. Improves the popularity of inbound links (backlinks)


When considering your agency’s top web marketing initiatives, there may be higher priorities on your to-do list, including creating and maintaining a Web 2.0 website, blogging, ezine, e-marketing, and network marketing. social (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube). , Twitter). With that said, and when thinking about your social media marketing initiative, it’s quick and easy to add social bookmarking as an additional component to your agency’s web marketing plans.


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